Best Worst Movie?


Jul 24, 2002
What's a movie that you like alot, but in actuality its a really bad movie? I have a few of those, that I wind up watching at like 3 am by myself and I watch it from beginning to end, and even though I know it sucks, I still like it for some reason.....

Take, for example, the movie "Roadie". It came out in 1980, and it starred (ready for this...) Meatloaf, Alice Cooper, Blondie, Roy Orbison, Art Carney, and *ahem* Don Cornelius from Soul Train. It was basically about this guy who is a super roadie from Texas that winds up getting into all sorts of kooky situations on the road. It's pretty awful, but fuckin' hell, I've watched it tons of times...and theres a scene where Blondie get into a food fight with a group of midgets.
So what crusty-ass flicks do you guys like to watch, hmm?
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. I think these are two excellent movies but many people have said I'm wrong. Also Lord of Illusions.

Blondie get into a food fight with a group of midgets.

That right there makes this an awesome movie. I have not seen it, but I'm going to have to now.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space

THat movie is downright classic in my book.

I also like the movie Tomcats. I don't know why everyone hates it. I thought it was a hoot
i honestly really dig dirty dancing,footloose, and i went to a midnight showin of friday the 13th 3-D and in 3-D it was horribly amazing

but the creme of the bad... its a 70's low budget pic called the devil master... there is a karate scene[with a drum solo as background music] a kinda fat barney fife character named louie, the lord of darkness looks like a cheap muppet and quite possibly one of the best bar fights ever caught on film... and the stars name is christmas it out... if you like bad you will not be dissapointed
Never saw Tomcats or Lord of Illusions. Interesting...

Ever see "Spirit of 76"? Its about these travellers from the future who try to go back to 1776 to get a copy of the constitution, because the future world has been wiped out with war, etc., and they need to start over again....but they wind up going to 1976 instead, and hilarity ensues (ahem...)
It stars appropriately enough David Cassidy as the future traveller, and features cameo appearances by Devo, Red Kross, and even Rob Reiner. A definate late night cable classic. Its pretty bad, but I like it.
oh yeah, and you can't go wrong with soft core porn. that shit is just straight up hilarious. Lets see

I like to Play Games
Mirror Images II

lots more. Pretty much anything with Shannon Tweed or Shannon Whirry. It's entertaining for what it is and I guarantee you'll laugh.

Soft core scores a 10! A fucking 10 on my cheesy shit-o-meter.

PS- my girlfriend lives 2 hours away. I gotta keep entertained somehow. It's cheaper than a tittie bar
The Story Of Ricky, or whatever that cheesy ass martial arts prison movie is called. It's got the worst fake gore I've ever seen, but it leaves me rolling on the floor every time.
It wasn't really a 'bad movie', but that Heavy Metal Parking Lot movie was great. Where they interviewed a bunch of dumbasses at a Judas Priest show in the early 80s showing their stupidity. It was a wonderful glimpse into the reality we live in, being metalheads.