I´ve been following the stuff from Alu at GAM and of course all your amazing inputs for quite a while now..
I would like to offer some of my own.. I have a 580:
No, wait, that was my kb.. (accidental photo)
So far I haven't been able to reproduce the sound of the pre with the TSE X30 sse2.. But I just downloaded it yesterday
Well I will keep on experimenting, but I crack the most at the EQ part still a bit I think..
Someone with good know-how outta do a dedicated EQ/cleaning tone/chain order guide, no? (besides
this). I would do one myself, but it would probably need 2much corrections

--No need to give away your 'secret recipes', just some key pointers would really help us all!
If I can collaborate here in any way, let me know!
Keep up this amazing work!