Small Ampsim shootout! (8505 vs HyBrit vs 456)

ok, it´s your common patch.
i asked for it one time.
this is the 2º time because i think it sounds a bit different.;)
Lol wait...

you guys SLO a boost? This sounds ridiculous, I must try it

Yep :D

ok, it´s your common patch.
i asked for it one time.
this is the 2º time because i think it sounds a bit different.;)

Don't be offended, but whenever you post is ONLY for asking presets/patches/screenshots/settings... and it ends up being somehow irritating...
So if you ask me more than once for the same exact preset it starts to be quite annoying
Obviously this is an old thread, but could you possibly explain the basics of this setup? I don't have much experience on this...

First of all you are using two preamps right? Why?

How does the compressor enchance the sound here?

You are apparently also using two EQs. I don't see the point. Couldn't you just achieve the same result with one?

Sorry about the "noob" questions. I've only used a preamp + impulse loader combo by now.

Thanks to anyone who can clarify these issues. Maybe I will have to buy some of those VSTs...