better than mastodon's leviathan

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002

Levithian - by Martin Alex.
The wind roared past, as the beefy man known as Captain Blood steadily steered the ship through the storm towards even more dangerous waters. Being mentally ill had its perks and cons, but these were not thoughts that bothered Blood, nor was the searing wound that ran down the side of his neck. His mind was fixed on finding the core of this maelstrom, the cause of this inhuman creation. This storm was impossibly a force of nature; something more dark and evil loomed behind this tempest. Discovering this source would relieve him, even if only for a brief moment, from his hallucinations.

The Blood crew, on the other hand, were of high spirits. This kind of experience is what they lived for, and they would settle for no less. One could wonder the origins of these bizarre, yet furiously courageous men. And the wench, who produced more profanity then a pirate’s den after midnight, would flaunt her insanity by performing autopsies on fish in the crows nest, among other acts of absurdity.
This was the crew Blood had spent years with, and he could never made a better decision, in his own eyes.

The waves grew heavier, and the temperature sank the closer the vessel drew towards what was thought as the eye of the hurricane, so to speak. Unaware of what might await them, the merry crew sang pirates tales and joked among each other about what kind of hideous creation might be waiting to consume their toenails and chest hairs.

Suddenly, a large thud was heard, jolting the whole ship sidewards. Something had hit the ship, hard, yet not hard enough to create a gaping hole in the hull. No one had spotted anything from the lookout, so what or who had hit them was a riddle. Perplexed by the sudden occurrence, the crew started mumbling among each other, about what could be the producer of this startling blow they had all been the victims of.


Meanwhile, somewhere amidst the quiet secluded Scurvy Isles, a peaceful couple enjoyed
their loud and not-so-humble existance. Derick, the local barkeep of The Surly Squid, lunged a large keg of ale towards his slender yet hunky partner, Cara. The two had known eachother since they became aware of their own existence, and were, easily put, inseparable. And, in order to make ends meet, they had established this fine buisness, with Derick as a barkeep and Cara as a wench. Their odd yet sophisticated way of life fit perfectly with their chosen occupation.

The days went on, and no day was similar to the previous, as pirates of all shapes, sizes, colors, and audible recognition came and went. Their minor corporation went fairly well, and it wasn't hard to make ends meet, thanks to the coin from fellow buccaneers.

One day, their harmonic rhythm of corporate achievement became disturbed by an unsettling guest which just appeared one late evening, and without uttering a single sound, stayed principally motionless throughout the nightfall, and into the late hours. Slightly annoyed by the believed attitude of this guest who would do nothing more then occupy a chair with the appearance of a scarecrow, Derick decided that something had to be done. Closing time was long overdue, and both Derick and Cara were minorly worried about this figure. There had been many other seemingly lifeless customers before, but that had been easily rectified by a swift jab by a broom or a similar pointy object.
With a firm grip to his trusty homemade broom, Derick softly lunged the handle of the broom towards the shoulder of the man. At least, what seemed to be a man, judging by his bodily definition. When the handle hit its target, a mushy sound was heard, and Derick was started that his poke had seemed to almost penetrate this persons skin.

What had started as a slight sound triggered by the broom had now transformed into a constant sound of movement, sounding mushy of course. All while the body still lay frozen on the table. Trying to identify the person was not a possibility, due to heavy clothing.

Suddenly, the figure jerked to life, and began a steady yet slow movement in attempt to stand straight up. It turned towards the two. A large gaping wound could be seen on the right side of the torso, yet no blood was to be found. Including the larger wound, there were lesser holes to be seen on a few visible parts of the body. Small tentacles seemed to be seeping in and out of these holes, and it was clear that this body was merely a vessel for something else.

The face of this repulsive object was still clearly distinguishable, yet it was a face neither of them had seen in person. This was what was once the face of Captain Blood, the fellow who was portrayed in childrens books across at least one of the seven seas. Although, no radiant grin could be seen from this face.

Cara staggered backwards towards the other end of the bar, in fear of this wretched creation. Escape from the building wasnt an option, as they had locked all doors. Derick stood ground, with broom in hand, unsure of what action would come next from this abomination.

Moments later, Derick found himself lying on the ground, apparently hit by a force of extreme power. He looked up, and saw Blood suddenly growing in width, as if something inside yearned to get out, like a zealous prisoner in a cell. Frozen in fear, knowing what would happen when this being inside would emerge, and what his fate shortly after would be, Derick mustered his strength and attempted to regain control of his body. But fear kept its hold on Derick, so all he would do was to gaze in awe, while Cara screamed for him to get away from "the thing".

It all happened at once. Blood exploded, and bits and pieces of clothing and skin went flying at all directions. What remained in his former position was hard to explain what exactly it was, for at the moment it simply consisted of tentacles, or so it seemed. How something of that size which then unravelled itself into something almost twice the size was hard to imagine. This creature, now unfolded, standing in its full glory, could be compared to an octopus, except the hideous appearance of it, and its dark colors.
Tentacles flew towards all directions, attempting to grab anything they came in contact with. Derick, sadly, was snatched directly due to his proximity to "it".
Cara, on the other hand, tried her best to adeptly evade the many tentacles who came with such force that they may penetrate her easily. So far, she had managed fairly well, until she turned to see the state of her dear Derick, who was getting the life wrung out of him. She screamed, shocked to see the his unlucky fate, and in that moment, was caught by the slimy tentacles.

No one knew what their final thoughts were, before taking their last breath. Perhaps it was the fate of the rest of the city, or maybe even the world. Or, their last thoughts were for eachother, seeing that after the giant war fought against this diabolical offspring, resulting in a final battle of humongous proportions, and after the pirates cutted and gutted their prize, they found two digested skeletons holding hands, with such a grip that not even in death could they be taken apart.

The End.
I'd just like to point out that Mastodon rules us all.

That is all.
neal said:
a big fuck off to all you bitches.
