Captain Beard Sees Texicans!

And they wish I'd have applied to corrections instead. Let me let the board in on a little secret... I have no friends close by anymore. Haven't in over a year. Its wearing on me. I had suicidal ideations in the past when I lacked friends and motive, and really don't care for them to come back. To them, I'll be making less, and this is bad and I'm doomed to fail, rather than seeing me being happier that I have good friends and less pay. I swear they want me to make $4,000 a month, but live with them until they die, friends be damned. Tired of that shit. The last time I did anything "for my own good" other than visiting Texas and quitting was my ear surgery, though they claim staying and working for the state is "for my own good." Staying here is going to make me drink heavily at some point.

What do any of you say to THAT?

I say this: If you knew you'd be dead in six months, what would you spend the next five months and 29 days doing? Would it be stay where you are to make parents happy, or indulge friendship, life's honest pleasures, and spiritual and emotional sustenance you deserve? That's your answer. Do it, senor. Please.
Jim expressed some weighty sentiments, which I've got to agree with. Life has such a transient inevitability about it that wasting too much time wallowing in the misplaced wills of others, or experiencing the banality of days filled with drudgery is simply folly.

Strive to be content, and only you can really define the terms by which such contentment comes about.

From what you've said recently the choice seems pretty simple: Move. Move now. I hope everything works out oh beardy one.