Captain Beard Sees Texicans!

David's on his flight back now. I miss his presence already, he's a good fit around here. But he shall be back! And we shall sard much more :)

Scarborough Faire was awesome! It made me realize (again) how much the Maryland Renaissance fest comparison. They do sell the neat puppets at the MD renfest too. Derick got raped and there was nothing I could do, because I had to take the pictures of it :p

I have some more pics I will post later. But yes, it was indeed a grand time. I think David really enjoyed his visit and we really enjoyed having him here. If he moves here, which he certainly should, I think we'll all be hanging around all the time. It just felt natural having him here. Samantha's dog will be sad, wondering where the fascinating giant stranger has gone, aww.

Yay David got to see that Texas doesn't suck, not that he had that expectation anyway :)
i haven't been to the Md ren fest since i was like 8. i remember their unicorn was a pony with a rolled up piece of paper tied to its head, though.

and if the Texas one has Rob Lowe as part of the medieval festivites, it most certianly must be amazing.

Cara said this was the "penis" building.

Bah! Louisville has a far more phallic building gracing its skyline. Behold!

One of my co-workers got reassigned Monday for abuse accusations. I was hoping they'd wait to accuse her of it (she was too heavy handed and had been warned several times) because she was part of the backbone keeping the unit together. As such, I'm considering just going to personnel today and giving notice rather than waiting a week or so as was my plan until I heard this. I knew the place was going to fall apart with all of us leaving, but the cracks in our staff appeared earlier than I expected, and I don't want to be there for the licensing survey so that my license is tarnished by the works of others. Plus, I still hate my job and found the perfect excuse to quit early. Fuck this.
One of my co-workers got reassigned Monday for abuse accusations. I was hoping they'd wait to accuse her of it (she was too heavy handed and had been warned several times) because she was part of the backbone keeping the unit together. As such, I'm considering just going to personnel today and giving notice rather than waiting a week or so as was my plan until I heard this. I knew the place was going to fall apart with all of us leaving, but the cracks in our staff appeared earlier than I expected, and I don't want to be there for the licensing survey so that my license is tarnished by the works of others. Plus, I still hate my job and found the perfect excuse to quit early. Fuck this.

that sucks, but yay :Spin:
I put in my resignation today. Typically, my father and sister were upset. Its all about money to them.
And they wish I'd have applied to corrections instead. Let me let the board in on a little secret... I have no friends close by anymore. Haven't in over a year. Its wearing on me. I had suicidal ideations in the past when I lacked friends and motive, and really don't care for them to come back. To them, I'll be making less, and this is bad and I'm doomed to fail, rather than seeing me being happier that I have good friends and less pay. I swear they want me to make $4,000 a month, but live with them until they die, friends be damned. Tired of that shit. The last time I did anything "for my own good" other than visiting Texas and quitting was my ear surgery, though they claim staying and working for the state is "for my own good." Staying here is going to make me drink heavily at some point.

What do any of you say to THAT?