OceanMech said:I have #1 but I don't know how to find the game. Help, please.
Emi- Great compilation. If my wallet allowed, I might even get some cds by the bands on there. I still dersperately want the newest Negura Bunget.
Maybe for the next one, create Movie-like shockwave trailers around the concept of the bands.
the game as already been solved, and I'm sorry but I'll NEVER, NEVER,NEVER explain the solution... hehehehe... I need to keep the secret in order to do an even harder game in the next chapter...
in our webstore our cds are not that expensive I think... you can buy the Negura Bunget handmade Box for just 12 euro... it's really cheap
the idea of "Movie-live" trailers around the concept of the bands is great... but I would need someone very skilled in doing that... any volunteer?