beyerdynamic dt-770 vs 990


Jul 27, 2005
quick question guys....

i'm about to buy some decent headphones...originally i was dead set on the beyerdynamic dt-770, but then i noticed that the dt-990 costs pretty much the same.
so, which one would you recommend? mainly for mixing purposes, plus some casual music listening (when i'm trying to really listen closely to some details)

the dt-990 is open, whereas the 770 is closed....what are the (dis)advantages of both configurations??

thanks in advance :)
I have the DT990 PRO, it sounds very good and very detailed. I always use it when mixing to check some details. You have to be usual to its sound, a bit scooped compared to Sennheiser or AKG headphones, but you can definitely hear highs, low mids and lows on this one. Stereo imaging is amazing too + it's very comfortable :)
well....after reading some more on the net, i'd like to expand the question a bit...

the thing is, i'm doing all my "work" (just a hobbyist really, nothing professional) on my home stereo as of right now...which, however, is a freakin good one. still, i definitely NEED something better for mixing purposes, absolutely no question about that -i'm on a budget, though (going to an university is somewhat expensive :( )
given those circumstances, what would you guys recommend? a decent set of cans, like the ones i mentioned above (price: around 150 euro), or something like this: (2 obviously)
which would be around 400 euro all in.
i got to admit, 400 euro is quite a lot for me as of right now, but then again, i really like what i'm doing, and would love to at least do some demo's for other local bands in the, you guys got a lot more experience, what do you think, would the money be well spent, or are some decent headphones sufficient for my applications??
DEFINITELY not Behringer for obvious reasons - and the Yamahas look great, with some isolation pads (these rule all, although Thomann doesn't seem to carry the RX5, which is smaller and cheaper and a perfect fit for the HS50s) and room treatment, I'm sure you can do perfect mixes on them (I'm planning on asking for them and the RX5's for XMAS). As for open/closed headphones, apparently open/semi-open sound more natural/accurate, but if you're gonna be doing any kind of isolation work (moving the mic in front of a guitar cab, vocals, drums), then it's sound-leakage city. And given the choice between decent monitors or good headphones, I would TOTALLY go for decent monitors - who wants to wear big heavy headphones for hours on end?
the hs50m are great monitors (i had them myself for a while) but you will miss the low end responce that a 8" speaker delivers for more serious work. So you will upgrade in the future for sure and costing you more money.

my advice is save some money and get the hs80m like I did.

as for headphones you can save some money and get these instead.

closed design (no bleed when tracking) and the frequency response 5hz-28khz.
so you're definitely recommending some monitors, even for my not-so-pro applications?
alright, i guess then it'll be well spent money :)

well, aside from those yamaha monitors, are there any other decent ones in the pricerange?

btw, why not behringer? after all it's just a monitor controller....would it degrade the sound that much? just asking...i thought those weren't exactly the most important components in the chain. (monitor newb :D )
so you're definitely recommending some monitors, even for my not-so-pro applications?
alright, i guess then it'll be well spent money :)

well, aside from those yamaha monitors, are there any other decent ones in the pricerange?

btw, why not behringer? after all it's just a monitor controller....would it degrade the sound that much? just asking...i thought those weren't exactly the most important components in the chain. (monitor newb :D )

Those Yamahas are definitely the best in their price range, I've done a lot of looking. And honestly, I could afford the HS80s, but I really don't want that much bass because I live in an apartment and the bass goes RIGHT through the walls, and I share the wall my desk is against with my next-door neighbor's bedroom :mad: So neighborly harmony is a consideration as well!

And don't get that Behringer because not only is it Behringer, but it's active, so it definitely degrades the signal - this one is the best bang for your buck for a monitor controller!
Yeah, if you're not worried about neighbors and you have a big room, then 8 inchers probably would be better. But between the BX8a's and the HS80's, I'd TOTALLY take the HS80's.
Well besides having more faith in Yamaha as a company than M-Audio, when I compared them in the store, the HS80s just struck me as more detailed, whereas the BX8a's not quite as much. BUT, now that I think of it, I would say that it'd be better to save the money by getting BX8a's and spend it on these, these (just ordered a pair myself, can't wait!), and DIY bass traps!
I got the DT770.
As far as isolation (closed vs open) goes;
Closed is nice to place or align mic on a cab, need headphones for live mixing or if you track near a loud soundsource (drums or next to the guitaramp)
Open is nice if you track with headphones and need to talk between takes or while mixing.
Btw, they sound sweet and are very comfy, i could work all day long with those's!
just to keep you guys updated, i got the hs80m. very satisfied so far - a whole new listening (and mixing) experience really. makes me wonder what some even more expensive monitors like the adam a7 sound like :D

also got the sm audio monitor controller.
unfortunately i cheaped out on headphones and got the audio technica ath-m40fs, and it bit me in the ass :D those are definitely *not* good for anything halfway serious - the frequency range seems to be very limited, with a huge mid bump. thank god for thomann's 30 days money back thingy - i'm returning them and getting the dt770 instead.
i'll keep you guys updated how these are sounding :)

anyways, thanks for the recommendations! as i already said, so far i'm REALLY enjoying the hs80m.
Cool, then that will be like my setup right there, HS80Ms and a pair of DT770s. :)
Love both of them. I also have a pair of AKG K501s (my first decent headphones), I still prefer those for casual listening.

BTW, halfway during the mixing session of our last album the studio got Adam A7s (we were using some kind of small Yamaha monitors before).
Let's put it like this... the A7s sound ubersweet! But after a while we went back to mixing on the Yamahas because the sound was always so pleasing and perfect on the Adams, and then when bouncing the mix and listening on the mp3 player on the way home, it all fell apart. We would certainly have needed more time to learn the A7s.
Hi everybody, I also have the similar dilemma. Got around 300$ - 400$ to spend on monitors..Are HS80Ms active? Maybe some more alternatives to check? What do you think of Alesis M1Active 620, Alesis MK 2 Active, Alesis BX8a, Event TR8, KRK V6
HS80s are active, but good luck finding 'em (new, anyway) for $400-$500 - in that price range (once again, if you wanna buy new) go for the M-Audio BX8a's IF you can get bass traps and monitor stands/iso pads, or Yamaha HS50s if you can't.
It doesn't matter if monitors are new or not..I found a pair of HS80s less then 500 on ebay...Is it really critical to have 8 inches? The thing is that currently I am going to be mixing at home, but plan to have my own space for project studio in the near future, so I'd like to have some "room" with monitors so they would be relatively good for the studio.
Well 8" cones definitely give you the extra bass extension, but I personally prefer to mix on less bassy speakers so I have to work harder to get the kick to really sound good attack-wise (with a lot of bass I feel the kick and think it sounds good, until I go on most other systems and hear how much attack it's lacking in). Of course, I try to check it on bassier speakers, but I'm getting a pair of Tannoy Reveal 5A's for XMAS because they seem like a hi-end pair (from the reviews and other forum perusals I've read) that still have 5" speakers. So it's all a matter of preference about how much bass you want, but bear in mind the old standard NS10's were HORRIBLY lacking in bass ;)