Anyone experienced in headphones? Thinking of buying a DT-990 PRO..


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden

I'm thinking of buying BeyerDynamic DT-990 PRO to use for mixing in my little studio corner in the rehearsal room. There's no point in spending a thousand bucks on monitors when the room sounds crappy and I'm sitting in a corner, so I thought I'd become a headphone kinda guy :)

Does anyone have any experience with those phones? I've heard they sound awesome.. until they break. Most of the stuff I've read about them has been good but there's too many bad reviews that makes me kinda back off.

My budget for headphones is probably 200$, though I will get them from Thomann probably, if I can. They deliver stuff fast up to Sweden :)

If you have other tips in that price range, they're welcomed!
In terms of reliability, I sold pro audio gear for two years and in that entire time I only had 1 pair of Beyer headphones ever come back for repair.

Thank you man, glad to hear that :)

This does make it easier for me to decide... guess I should go for them, because sonically, they are supposed to be pretty bad-ass according to reviews on the net.

Generally, they say AKG lacks bass in the open-type headphones, whereas Beyer doesn't. I can understand that people like AKG even though they might be like that, since those people probably also has a pair of good monitors, but in my case, there's no point in having monitors so I need phones that really cover the whole spectrum.
Well if the DT-990s are open-backed then forget about using 'em for isolation (recording vocals, drummers, sweeping a mic in front of a guitar cab, etc.) - just FYI
Well if the DT-990s are open-backed then forget about using 'em for isolation (recording vocals, drummers, sweeping a mic in front of a guitar cab, etc.) - just FYI

Yeah I know about that already. Not going to use the DT-990 for anything other than mixing. I've got my own solution to drum recording :) I just plug Koss Spark Plug in my ears, then on with normal isolation headphones on top of that and voila, super isolation and with great sound inside (or well, not great but good enough to hear what the fuck is going on!).

It's not so practical for me to record real amps with cabs in that room either, so I mostly try to stick with simulation crap, although I hate it. HATE IT. FUCKING HATE IT. :)

But if I ever decide to dial a tone on an amp in there, maybe the same method as when tracking drums would work for that too, but Koss Spark Plugs sucks monkey ass to determine if the frequency "distribution" is good. Anyway, that's not a huge issue right now so let's leave that be.
Not sure about the 990's, but I have a pair of 770's that i got for drum tracking and I've had to rewire them three times. If I didn't pay so much for them, I would have thrown them in the trash by now. I guess it's fair to say that the first time they went out was the company's faulty wiring, and the other two times was my own faulty wiring. Still though, I feel all in all like these headphones are a curse, ha. They actually went out again two weeks ago, and I've not gotten around to fixing them again. For late night editing I use my trusty old Sony MDR-7506's. I stick to monitors when making actual sonic decisions. The Sony's are a little bright, but I've had them for almost ten years and never had one problem out of them. Still wouldn't trust them to mix through though.