I played this game all day yesturday because my friend brought it over....and wowwwww.
the first map (online) i played was the one where you paradrop in and i almost shit myself. everything about it is so much different that call of duty. I still love call of duty, its a fun ass game no doubt, but this game is just different, and ive been waiting for a good multiplayer shooting game other than cod to come out.
it took me a little while to get use to the changes (figuring out theres no classes, the snipers take into account wind and distance and shit, what mcom stations are, buildings can be blown up on top of you and kill you etc..) but once you get your bearings straight on this game theres no putting it down. each game lasts like an hour almost (in rush mode at least)
I think its a badass game, i have to admit after playing all day, i got kinda sick of the same maps over and over, but im sure they will come out with some new maps soon, the maps are HUUUGE.
If you liked mw2, youll really like this game
@metaltastic nah you dont need to talk to people on this game, i played all yesturday without a headset on and had fun and won a ton of matches!