BioShock 2 to come in Fiscal Year 2009.


OT Guru
Sep 4, 2008
New York
I'm not sure how popular video games are here in the Sneap Forums but I have some news for you BioShock fans.

Take-Two's earning statement confirms BioShock 2 is coming in fiscal year 2009. That would likely put its release sometime next holiday season.

The report's formatting initially had PS3, Xbox 360 and PC next to BioShock 2 but it has since been revised with "TBA." With BioShock coming to PS3 shortly the odds of BioShock 2 being developed for both consoles are worth betting on. Whether it will appear on Xbox 360 first as a timed exclusive remains to be seen.


This is my take. BioShock's story was consistently engaging and gameplay was great starting out but it got kind of tiring about 5-7 hours in. It's like the developers became lazy and put most of their resources into making the environment gorgeous. If BioShock 2 can capture the greatness of the first 5-7 hours of the first one and make it last the entire game, we may be getting a masterpiece. Despite my critique, I still think it's one of the best games of 2007. Behind Mass Effect of course. :)

Any thoughts on this?
High hopes is all I can say; god knows where they can go with the Bioshock franchise after the wretched ending(s) of the original, but to me the gameplay never held any appeal cuz it was pretty much generic FPS with the plasmids thrown in as a little jazziness, so it was the story and environments that really kept me engaged, and if they manage to capture it again, I'll certainly play it (or wait for Bauder to buy it and mooch off of him ;)). We shall see...
Yeah, I'm in the middle of the story of Bioshock 1, and yeah it's starting to become boring but at least the story is good... is just annoying because you gotta just kill.. nothing more nothing less.
I love really the story and the environment! that's fucking great that 50's kinda city and being underwater it's even more great!
Half life 2 (with both episode 1 and 2) to me is the best fps of all time!
High hopes is all I can say; god knows where they can go with the Bioshock franchise after the wretched ending(s) of the original, but to me the gameplay never held any appeal cuz it was pretty much generic FPS with the plasmids thrown in as a little jazziness, so it was the story and environments that really kept me engaged, and if they manage to capture it again, I'll certainly play it (or wait for Bauder to buy it and mooch off of him ;)). We shall see...

Ha, you can count on him getting it. He loves that game. :)

There are a few problems that come to mind that I hope 2K Games Boston fixes. For instance, the relationship between the weapon and the damage they should inflict. I love shotguns in FPS games so it was natural for me to upgrade my shotgun all the way. It did me good the first half of the game but anytime after that I might as well of been shooting spitballs. I would literally pump shotgun blast right in a splicer's face 7 times before they would go down in point blank range.

As far as story goes. Who knows.

BTW, Far Cry 2 and Left 4 Dead will be the greatest FPS games when they come out.
Bioshock was amazing. Actually 2007 was great for videogame. Bioshock, Halo 3, Call Of Duty 4, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata and the list goes on.

Besides the great story, ambientation, graphics, art direction and sound, the game is different from others FPSs by making you choose many things, like which weapon to evolve, plasmid to buy/use/evolve, harvest or not the little sisters, follow the story through the audio diaries not, etc. I hope they keep all these thinks that worked on the first game.

I hate how Monolith ruined the good things about "Comdemned: Criminal Origins" on it´s sequel "Comdemned: Bloodshot".

ps: The best FPS still is Unreal Tournament 3 ;P
Agreed 100%. 2007 was a great year for gaming. Probably the greatest this generation of consoles and PC technology has to offer. The year 2008 has been pretty lackluster. There has been only a handful of great games so far. The future looks pretty bright though. (Mirror's Edge, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead, Far Cry 2, Tomb Raider Underworld, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Dead Space, Call of Duty 5, etc...)

I never got around to playing the Condemned games. I heard they were scary as hell. Like the Urban Doom 3. It was one of those games that I always told myself I would play.
Bioshock was amazing. Actually 2007 was great for videogame. Bioshock, Halo 3, Call Of Duty 4, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata and the list goes on.

Besides the great story, ambientation, graphics, art direction and sound, the game is different from others FPSs by making you choose many things, like which weapon to evolve, plasmid to buy/use/evolve, harvest or not the little sisters, follow the story through the audio diaries not, etc. I hope they keep all these thinks that worked on the first game.

I hate how Monolith ruined the good things about "Comdemned: Criminal Origins" on it´s sequel "Comdemned: Bloodshot".

ps: The best FPS still is Unreal Tournament 3 ;P

Naahhh Unreal Tournament is! :p

Anyway i'm reeaaaallly looking forward to Alan Wake!!! From the makers of Max Payne! But hell i've had alot of fun playing bioshock as well.. loved the beautifull settings n all while not being a complete ass on the cpu and gpu!

Anyway i'm a bit out of the gaming stuff since i sold my dual gpu bitches to get some audio hardware and keep my pc clean :p
BioShock was shite.
I got all pumped about it and it brought nothing new to the table. SHIT'S WEAK.

The Condemned games were mentioned earlier, I played through the first one in a single sitting with a few friends hanging out and they actually stayed and watched me play that shit for like 8hrs straight, it was that good. fucking sweet game. the end levels and story got a little out of hand but it was still really cool.

here's looking forward to Fry Cry 2 (self propagating fire? fuck!).
Alan Wake looks really great and promising but I can't help to think that it will become the next Duke Nukem Forever. :erk:

It wasn't even at this year's E3.

Yep they sucked because they let us see the engine way to early just for promoting the quad core intel procs... works like that -_-

Let's hope Far Cry 2 wont go the same way as Crysis. I just build a machine for that beasty game... i have to say it's way more enjoy-able when it's on the high to ultra high settings, but it would be a shame if it's the same with Far Cry 2.
The thing with Far Cry 2 is that Crytek is in no way involved in its production, so while Ubisoft is a pretty respected company, I'm not too sure how the game is gonna be...
The thing with Far Cry 2 is that Crytek is in no way involved in its production, so while Ubisoft is a pretty respected company, I'm not too sure how the game is gonna be...

4 serious?
i haven't heard that yet, seems strange though. there are a few videos on youtube demonstrating some of the new technologies. that shit always gives me boner.



:kickass::kickass::kickass::rock::kickass: :notworthy
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Fallout 3 is going to kick some major ass if it's anything like Oblivion (which is one of the best games in the last decade). Far Cry 2 is looking quite interesting aswell, all the world-dynamics look very good on paper, hopefully they can pull it off in the final product aswell :)
Don't know about you guys but once Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 are out I'll have a lot of trouble finding time to record and mix.