Biebob pictures at


Mar 7, 2003
Antwerpen - Belgium
Yezzz, I am faster than light ;)

Uploaded already part one of the pictures from last Friday.. I experimented with black and white a bit but they still need to be scanned.. Used a new film for the color ones too (since the light always sucks at Biebob) and it came out a bit too grainy for my taste, but what the hell..

And Saxiquine, you'll be glad to see that I finally managed to take some decent pictures of Michael.. In the past he always hid himself behind his hair, but no more running from my lense ;)

Enjoy!! The rest (Biebob and Raismes fest) will be uploaded by the end of this week.. With a bit of luck..
Anneke said:
Yezzz, I am faster than light ;)
well, for a non digi-cam user it's pretty fast, yep.

thanks for the pics, especially the b&w one with Mike and Henrik, extremely cool pic that is.

seen only a few very quick, since i'm at the office right now. i'll check later tonight or tomorrow when i'm home.
heh... you're killing me, Anneke... every time I look at your site I wonder why I bother taking my poor little camera to shows with me. :)
Wooks said:
Great shots Anneke!! I know what you mean about the lighting at the Biebob it does really suck, especailly when you are trying to take pics.:yell:
Thanks Wooks.. :) You got some great shots on your site too.. I love the second one of Michael banging.. Good action shot.. And that Jonas just keeps showing us his tongue, the boy has no manners.. :p