July 5th, 2008 - Biebob, Belgium

Novembre.....Nightingale....Novembers Doom

3 band s that start with an N and there's the Swano connection <-- in that case it could be just about any band in metal.:p
I've just been told of a third band the promoter had asked to play the show, and if this band agrees, again, a lot of people will shit. haha

Is there a little chance that Fall Of Empyrean could come to Europe with you guys?
I would love to see them play live.:)
Noooo!! I'm going to miss both these shows as Metalcamp in Slovenia starts on the 4th of July and I've already got tickets!! :(

At least I'll get to see the show at Graspop though! :)
Yes that's unfortunately something we're concerned about....all the competition going on at that same time. It sucks for the people who've already made other plans, but we're hoping that others will consider going to this Biebob show. There's not going to be a full "tour" with ND and Nightingale, this is a special one night thing, so hopefully people won't think, "Oh I'll wait to see if they'll just come back another time", 'cause it ain't likely to happen LOL