Big Announcement Speculation?

oh. my. god. Bloodbath at Party.San! :OMG:
best news EVER!

thank you PSOA-crew, thank you Bloodbath, i love you! you make my dreams come true.

i just can't fuckin believe it...
HELLLLLL YEAAAAAHHHH! This News mad my day. Good that I've ordered my Party.San-Ticket last week :-)

I can't believe it that I will see Bloodbath a second time. :kickass:

The Festival has now the fucking best billing ever:


Facebreaker, Dismember, Unanimated and Bloodbath :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

Swedish Death Metal-power!!!
Absolutely gutted this is thier "exclusive" gig in Germany as it means no Wacken...... :waah:
pretty terrible line up cept for bloodbath and obituary, bolt thrower and dismember. Lol@ legion of the damned. Saw them play at wacken, not only do they bastardize every slayer riff known to man each song sounds identicle.
pretty terrible line up cept for bloodbath and obituary, bolt thrower and dismember. Lol@ legion of the damned. Saw them play at wacken, not only do they bastardize every slayer riff known to man each song sounds identicle.

I actually liked their first album, but Sons of the Jackal I agree, the songs sound too similar I think.

Anyway...the problem with all of you is that you live in the wrong countries! Only one country has a right to have BB play in it :D