Big Business - Head For The Shallow


Gogol Bordello
Mar 28, 2002
Any of you Hydrahead freaks here heard this? I have it since Spring, bought it because i read a review where it was described as "Motorhead meet Uriah Heep". Well the Motorhead element is kinda clear, Uriah Heep declare to be absent. I didnt like it much then, but now im listening to it again and i like it a LOT more, dont know why.

I cant really describe its music, its definetally very "electric", energetic, intense and powerfull with a rock n roll vibe (the way Motorhead had it), but then again its something totally different than anything i have ever heard. There are elements from "stoner" rock, punk, a slight doze of old school metal, groovy-ness, some melody..i dont know , i will call it "Nad Music" if that makes sense for some of you. Its music mostly based on bass and drums, there are few guitars, but still the sound is very HEAVY and ELECTRIC (yes i said that before). Its just rock n roll
Im uploading a song of it right now soo.. there.
The singing kinda turned me off , is it the same kind during the whole album?

That was pretty rocky indeed.
Then check their latest album "Here Come The Waterworks", cause it's like 23423423 times better than this. Guitar is added too. Much more depth and variety in the music. It even has epic moments!@!@!!!!!
Lolerz, i first thought that you were reffering to Big Business and my use of "punk" to describe a part of their music. Then i realized that you were obviouslty calling me punk, so i'll just answer "no", when i go home, i will. But i listened to "Cement Stiches" on their myspace, and it sounds totally buttkicking.
I dig Big Business, I had the pleasure to see them open for/play with The Melvins on their last tour. I have not heard the new album , therefore I will need to scope it out.
Lolerz, i first thought that you were reffering to Big Business and my use of "punk" to describe a part of their music. Then i realized that you were obviouslty calling me punk, so i'll just answer "no", when i go home, i will. But i listened to "Cement Stiches" on their myspace, and it sounds totally buttkicking.

yeah, I have Cement Stitches as my song on myspace...really kicks in the adrenaline and great vocals. But Destroy The Gift is in a totally different league. :kickass:
Grounds For Divorce makes me wanna scream the words out my windows while shaking my ass around my pad and throwing my arm down into som extremely heavy air-guitar riffery.

That song makes me do some pretty funny shit/