Big NAtural Drums...heavy/alternative/rock..female Vox..Recto Goodness

Damn, I missed the earlier version without the corrected vocals (old link is dead).
Listening to this track at the moment and as usual you've done a superb job Lasse. Please let us know more about this band, as I wouldn't mind picking up their CD if all of the other tracks are going to be of this quality.
Damn, I missed the earlier version without the corrected vocals (old link is dead).
Listening to this track at the moment and as usual you've done a superb job Lasse. Please let us know more about this band, as I wouldn't mind picking up their CD if all of the other tracks are going to be of this quality.


I think they're shooting a vid for this one atm. the other songs are also good (well the newer ones are much better than the old ones which are probably still on the page) , it's only an EP though.


(all old songs...wait for the new ones I'd say)
Sounds good Lasse!
What did you use on her vocals?
Did you use roommics on drums?

What kind of automation is normal for you in this kind of mix btw?

vox: compression(API), De-Esser (PT) and EQ (API)vox are doubled, then some delay, reverb and split harmonizer.
the double-vox treated a bit differently than the leadvox of course (shorter attack time in compression etc).
backvox are bussed to a group and treated together.

on the delay return I've pulled the fader all the way down and sent the delay pre fader to the reverb, so there's no direct delay, but only the reverb of the delay....sometimes a nice thing to soften and embed vox a bit

roommics have been used.

I did MUCH less automation this time than I'd usually do....dunno, didn't feel it was necessary
Compression before Eq works better on vox aswell for you? I also meant gear btw ghehe, API preamp i presume and what mic?

And i hear you on the different comp on the backing.. push them back a bit :)
Were do you do the Split harmonizer effect with btw?

What do you use roommics wise then?
Compression before Eq works better on vox aswell for you? I also meant gear btw ghehe, API preamp i presume and what mic?

And i hear you on the different comp on the backing.. push them back a bit :)
Were do you do the Split harmonizer effect with btw?

What do you use roommics wise then?

nah, the vox weren't tracked at my place, I'm actually not sure what preamp they used...I'd guess it wasn't the most expensive one.
on vox I usually have comp-->deesser-->EQ.
sometimes followed by some tape compression or distortion or so...depends.

the split harmonizer is on an aux send
Hey, sounds cool Lasse. I only caught this now. Nice work! The only thing is that the kick is pumping pretty hard over here!

yeah, I thought about reducing the bass freq's of the mix a bit prior to sending it to the 2bus and mastering chain...was afraid to loose the biggness though.
turns out it wasn't the final version...I forgot to swith the C2 to dual mono before I bounced the I've just bounced it again on dual mono and also changed the release from .1 to auto...I like it better now.....check again please
Hahaha thats the bad thing about outboard ;) just got me some aswell and i'm fucking that up EVERY time.

Do you keep the in/out gains at a fixed setting to make it easier over different sessions btw?
Hahaha thats the bad thing about outboard ;) just got me some aswell and i'm fucking that up EVERY time.

Do you keep the in/out gains at a fixed setting to make it easier over different sessions btw?

almost....I have to adjust them sometimes it's a signal generator before the comp, then tweaking while watching a digital meter after the comp to make sure the makeup left and right is the same (I'm not relying on the needle for that...and I'd trust the labeling on the knobs/faceplate even less).
that's the downside of dual mono.
it's hard to beat a great hardware comp though.

I'd love I could do the CLA thing and just get several comps and never touch the settings ;)
since that's not possible I'm fucking around with recall sheets etc
Damn, Lasse. Great mix again. Did you have to watch any comps when the band kicks in? There is a rather huge dynamics change that sounds completely smooth. It's good to hear this kind of clarity and separation after having been away. You never fail to make good solid mixes regardless of musical style. Any comments I'd have about improvements would be purely personal, so I won't bother you with them. This is a great mix.
all i say was 'Big Natural...Female' and i assumed this was a boobs thread :( haha. Love the drums man!
the mix sounds really great lasse, i have one additional question about the vocals,
in the chorus, how much lead vocal tracks do have there and how is the panning of them?
there is very much going on, but its very clear sounding, i wonder how you have achieved that.

thanks in advance
I listened to this only today Lasse :)
I like very much the snare...could you give me some info about it? Is it natural or is there a sample blended? Which type of snare was? Processing?
Thank you