Big Philosophical Question

rollins. i have little doubt of this. danzig might be muscular, but i don't think he's really a fighter. if you've ever heard rollins talk about some of the shit he dealt with while in black flag you know he's not gonna take shit from anyone. he's gonna tear ass on anyone who gets in his way.
Rollins would just utter a single crushingly heavy sentence and Danzig would concede.

Glen Danzig is 14cm tall.
Originally, I would have said Henry, without a doubt (even though I love Glen) but you know what? I think that nowadays Rollins would be too busy trying to "talk out their differences" with Glen, that he wouldn't notice him loading a cannon.
Arg_Hamster said:
Glen is a vain girlie-man... and he almost got his ass kicked by the singer in Def Fucking Leppard... bet the one-armed drummer could beat him up too.
Def Leppard? I think if it came down to it Rollins would hand him his lungs. Oh yeah, my Dad can beat up your Dad nah,nah.
Danzing said on VH1, "You do not want to fuck with Rollins! He will kill you!" But the guy from the Northside Kings killed that question for me. I was trying to figure that question out for years, but got my answer soon enough.
ok rollins wins with a clear knock out. let's try a new one. lars ulrich drummer from metallica vs nick menza drummer from megadeth. personally I would say lars even though he's a bitch these days. The double base work says it all.
Holy crap, guys! A vote we all agree on! :)

CyThrax - Rollins isn't short by any means.
J1NX said:
Holy crap, guys! A vote we all agree on! :)

CyThrax - Rollins isn't short by any means.

A guy I used to work with is a huge Rollins fan. He got to see him after a concert once, said he was surprised at how short he was. He made it sound like Rollins was about the same height as me, and I am a little under 5'9". I guess I consider that short.