Joey and Journey BRING BACK BUSH !!!!!!!

Agreed but, man, John Bush isn't agressive either, what do people here mean by agressive anyway? Anthrax has never been a really agressive band, that's not their strenght. If you wanna hear angry music go listen to Pantera, Slayer, Sodom, Dark Angel, Razor, Morbid Saint, old Kreator or Death Metal or whatever....

John Bush sounds melodic in a more grungy way, more bluesy he's not a second fucking Tom Araya. I like his vocals with AS but agressive? come on....

I'm not saying Bush is brutal like Pantera or Slayer...But compared to Steve Perry...C'mon
I'm not saying Bush is brutal like Pantera or Slayer...But compared to Steve Perry...C'mon

If Steve Perry wanted to sing John Bush era Anthrax songs he could. I don't listen to Journey but I do know that guy has a great voice and would put both Joey and John to school vocally.

But anyone that is making an issue out of Joey doing a Karaoke song is really fucking pathetic. I don't think many karaoke bars have Slayer as one of the choices. Who knows where he was at or the circumstances. The fact that he even got up there probably was very cool of him and by the reaction of the people that were there they appreciated it.

The fact that Joey can actually sound good singing a Journey song is impressive in itself. I would love to have heard John Bush try it.
If Steve Perry wanted to sing John Bush era Anthrax songs he could. I don't listen to Journey but I do know that guy has a great voice and would put both Joey and John to school vocally.

But anyone that is making an issue out of Joey doing a Karaoke song is really fucking pathetic. I don't think many karaoke bars have Slayer as one of the choices. Who knows where he was at or the circumstances. The fact that he even got up there probably was very cool of him and by the reaction of the people that were there they appreciated it.

The fact that Joey can actually sound good singing a Journey song is impressive in itself. I would love to have heard John Bush try it.

Whether or not John Bush would sound good singing Journey is NOT a guage of his talent, period.

Plenty of great metal frontmen would be awful singing a pop song like doesn't mean they have no's not their style, period.
Whether or not John Bush would sound good singing Journey is NOT a guage of his talent, period.

Plenty of great metal frontmen would be awful singing a pop song like doesn't mean they have no's not their style, period.

John Bush is a good vocalist in Armored Saint. I liked John Bush before he even had any thought of joining Anthrax. . Most old school Anthrax fans think Stomp and Vol 8 are terrible albums. WCFYA is almost just as bad other than a few songs. It is not because of the vocals it is just the overall change in sound the band went through. I think you are taking everything personal on John bush. Not many people actually say he is a bad vocalist. But most will say his era of Anthrax was the worst in their history. That is evident of them turning into a small club band. He also sounds bad doing most of Joeys songs such as this one:

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John Bush is a good vocalist in Armored Saint. I liked John Bush before he even had any thought of joining Anthrax. . Most old school Anthrax fans think Stomp and Vol 8 are terrible albums. WCFYA is almost just as bad other than a few songs. It is not because of the vocals it is just the overall change in sound the band went through. I think you are taking everything personal on John bush. Not many people actually say he is a bad vocalist. But most will say his era of Anthrax was the worst in their history. That is evident of them turning into a small club band. He also sounds bad doing most of Joeys songs such as this one:

Well, I disagree with you. I prefer him singing with Anthrax. Much more aggression, and I actually like his voice, whereas, I just never liked Joey's voice singing thrash metal. Sure, it's not going to be the same as Joey - it's a different singer.

And I understand a thrash metal fan won't dig the newer Anthrax albums if they only like thrash metal, or only want Anthrax playing thrash metal.

But the John Bush era albums are full of well written, well performed songs, with great production. If you aren't into the style of music, oh well. But those are awesome albums (though I admit I almost never listen to Stomp, I love about half of it, and I'm indifferent about the other half, though there's nothing I really hate on it).
I'm an old school Anthrax fan who likes Stomp, Vol. 8, and WCFYA. There are a couple of "Joey only" fans on the board that like to post a lot and make the assumption that all Anthrax fans pre 91 hate the Bush era. This is not true.
I'm an old school Anthrax fan who likes Stomp, Vol. 8, and WCFYA. There are a couple of "Joey only" fans on the board that like to post a lot and make the assumption that all Anthrax fans pre 91 hate the Bush era. This is not true.

I consider myself a long time follower as well. Got into Anthrax mid-joey era, and continued listening to them through the Bush-era. Didn't like Stomp that much, and the good songs og Volume 8 can be counted on one hand (with one or two fingers to spare) in my opinion. I consider SOWN and WCFYA to be great albums, though.

I'm looking forward to a new album with Joey, although I would be excited about a new album if Bush was fronting the band as well.

I don't want to fuel another Joey vs. John discussion, because that topic has been drained to death and is currently doing re-runs when someone post a critical comment about one of the singers.

I will try to be consistent and not post another word about the topic from now on.... Wish me luck.
If Steve Perry wanted to sing John Bush era Anthrax songs he could. I don't listen to Journey but I do know that guy has a great voice and would put both Joey and John to school vocally.

But anyone that is making an issue out of Joey doing a Karaoke song is really fucking pathetic. I don't think many karaoke bars have Slayer as one of the choices. Who knows where he was at or the circumstances. The fact that he even got up there probably was very cool of him and by the reaction of the people that were there they appreciated it.

The fact that Joey can actually sound good singing a Journey song is impressive in itself. I would love to have heard John Bush try it.

I'm an old school Anthrax fan who likes Stomp, Vol. 8, and WCFYA. There are a couple of "Joey only" fans on the board that like to post a lot and make the assumption that all Anthrax fans pre 91 hate the Bush era. This is not true.

Exactly, I've bee a fan since 85' and i have been a dedicated fan and a big collector of anything anthrax. I was more a fan of the music during joey years. Bush has a very unique sounding voice and although the music changed i still liked it even Stomp 442, matter fact, I had a band named Octane after the promo cd high octane for the stomp album and after vol 8 came out we used to play in my world at beginning of set and inside out as the closer. I've been a fan every step of the way until the singer drama got to much.
While I'm going on about things I don't get in other threads...

This whole thing about Joey or any other metal-involved-person liking Journey. Yes, they're a pop rock band. So what? If someone just happens to enjoy Journey music, that automatically makes them a poseur? What if everything else they listen to is Iron Maiden, 'Priest, Death, Metallica, whatever? Does that one band automatically make the rest of their metalheadness void? Now, I'm not some Joey apologist (Nor am I one for John), but come on.

Anyway, Joey did an OK job on this, but he seems to be straining a lot, which is never a good thing. For a 50-year-old, though, not bad.

PS-- I happen to like two Journey albums (Frontiers and Dream after Dream). *gasp!*
Anyway, Joey did an OK job on this, but he seems to be straining a lot, which is never a good thing. For a 50-year-old, though, not bad.

lol. 'straining?' he is singing a fuckin karaoke song probably had some drinks. Didn't think anyone was going to be putting it on youtube and ultimately bringing it up on an Anthrax forum. He should have used more reverb, had a better mic, had better acoustic in the room, had a better mix from the board etc right? Its fucking karaoke give me a break.

If that is straining what is this?

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John Bush is a good vocalist in Armored Saint. I liked John Bush before he even had any thought of joining Anthrax. . Most old school Anthrax fans think Stomp and Vol 8 are terrible albums. WCFYA is almost just as bad other than a few songs. It is not because of the vocals it is just the overall change in sound the band went through. 1. I think you are taking everything personal on John bush. Not many people actually say he is a bad vocalist. But most will say his era of Anthrax was the worst in their history. 2. That is evident of them turning into a small club band.

1. Says the guy telling us about his gay-fantasies everytime someone says something negative about Joey or positive about John.

2. As is said in the other thread (man, you are starting to repeat your same invalid arguments without proof like 6er did): They have always been a small club band with Joey, it's not like they ever filled the stadiums and suddenly didn't because John joined the band. The venues they played might have gotten a little smaller, but that's what happened to almost every metalband. Even if Joey had stayed they'd have never been bigger than Megadeth or Slayer and they play mostly in small clubs today as well. Oh, and at the festivals they played with John the last years, the audiences must have been bigger than every audience they ever hat with Joey.

Get your facts straight and stop telling us your gay stories.
lol. 'straining?' he is singing a fuckin karaoke song probably had some drinks. Didn't think anyone was going to be putting it on youtube and ultimately bringing it up on an Anthrax forum. He should have used more reverb, had a better mic, had better acoustic in the room, had a better mix from the board etc right? Its fucking karaoke give me a break.

If that is straining what is this?

I think this sounds great for live and are you referring to the fact that jon sings it in a lower key as straining? its all the same notes just a lower key, but some day when your balls drop to you might understand the difference.
lol. 'straining?' he is singing a fuckin karaoke song probably had some drinks. Didn't think anyone was going to be putting it on youtube and ultimately bringing it up on an Anthrax forum. He should have used more reverb, had a better mic, had better acoustic in the room, had a better mix from the board etc right? Its fucking karaoke give me a break.

If that is straining what is this?

John sounds better on Got The Time than Joey on Only ;)