we wont let bush be forgotten.....this is our safe home


New Metal Member
Feb 23, 2005
:Spin: we can welcome the reunion but bush will never be put of some shelf like a second rate singer.....for all the newbies here who think well joey is back and all is fine....thats not the whole case here...i was there in 87 i was at the first among the living show of the tour here in rochester n.y. and it was awsome....i aslo was one of about 300 people to see them on the weve come for you all tour here in rochester and it destroyed all......ive seen both versions and without bush it will not be the same...there is a saying you can never go back to the way it was....i think this reunion will hurt more then do good for a band that finally seemed to come into its own with the last cd...weve come for you all was a stamp for anthrax..were back and nobody is going to fuck with us.....it does not feel like 87 again it feels like i need some cash fast this is the best way to do it.....its 2005 bush and anthraxi think ready to really break big time..a follow up to weve come for you all would have smashed them back on top...look at what this reunion has done.....if they think they can go back and play big arenas on this tour think again and band like megadeth that used to sell out huge venues are playing clubs....so this will only get them so far...the usa is not a metal market it will never happen here...and in europe they are huge already with bush...so ill gladley wait for the new aromred saint cd....till then good luck trying to fix all the problems they have to face now...now destroy :hotjump:
wyldefan71 said:
:Spin: we can welcome the reunion but bush will never be put of some shelf like a second rate singer.....for all the newbies here who think well joey is back and all is fine....thats not the whole case here...i was there in 87 i was at the first among the living show of the tour here in rochester n.y. and it was awsome....i aslo was one of about 300 people to see them on the weve come for you all tour here in rochester and it destroyed all......ive seen both versions and without bush it will not be the same...there is a saying you can never go back to the way it was....i think this reunion will hurt more then do good for a band that finally seemed to come into its own with the last cd...weve come for you all was a stamp for anthrax..were back and nobody is going to fuck with us.....it does not feel like 87 again it feels like i need some cash fast this is the best way to do it.....its 2005 bush and anthraxi think ready to really break big time..a follow up to weve come for you all would have smashed them back on top...look at what this reunion has done.....if they think they can go back and play big arenas on this tour think again and band like megadeth that used to sell out huge venues are playing clubs....so this will only get them so far...the usa is not a metal market it will never happen here...and in europe they are huge already with bush...so ill gladley wait for the new aromred saint cd....till then good luck trying to fix all the problems they have to face now...now destroy :hotjump:
spacebeer said:
Safe Home is probably the saddest excuse for an ANTHRAX song I have ever heard!

Actually, I read in a recent interview Scott saying that it´s the best Anthrax song, I wonder whether he´s changed his mind:loco:
I don't care what he says, artists almost alway say their latest work is the best they have done, otherwise it won;t sell......

I think it's one of the lamest ANTHRAX songs ever, actually I dare not really call it ANTHRAX.....but that goes for the major part of the WCFYA album, there's some enjoyable tunes on there but it's not ANTHRAX!
of course. Anthrax is mullets, bermudas, shorts and ninja turtles on guitars. And it´s still 1987. Please wake up with the rest of Anthrax.
:hotjump: tell him the truth my friend IT IS NOT 1987....WAKE UP HERE.....WEVE COME YOU YOU ALL not anthrax....lol...is he joking when i bought this awsome cd it said anthrax....i also was 110% behind anthrax with joey and bush....ive been a fan since the start now some lame ass is telling me weve come for you all is not a anthrax cd....wow oh wow...i dont think any of these people are true tharx fans so johnnie lets not waste time with them posers........all the way
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Funny stuff Johnnie!!!:yow:

I don't really want in on any of this madness....Though it is the most entertaining read on Metal Agaes right now!!

johnnieCzech said:
of course. Anthrax is mullets, bermudas, shorts and ninja turtles on guitars. And it´s still 1987. Please wake up with the rest of Anthrax.
T_man357 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Funny stuff Johnnie!!!:yow:

I don't really want in on any of this madness....Though it is the most entertaining read on Metal Agaes right now!!

Fucking it is and it really got me hooked to my PC even though the weather is really beautiful here...:yow: :wave:
wyldefan71 said:
:Spin: we can welcome the reunion but bush will never be put of some shelf like a second rate singer.....for all the newbies here who think well joey is back and all is fine....thats not the whole case here...i was there in 87 i was at the first among the living show of the tour here in rochester n.y. and it was awsome....i aslo was one of about 300 people to see them on the weve come for you all tour here in rochester and it destroyed all......ive seen both versions and without bush it will not be the same...there is a saying you can never go back to the way it was....i think this reunion will hurt more then do good for a band that finally seemed to come into its own with the last cd...weve come for you all was a stamp for anthrax..were back and nobody is going to fuck with us.....it does not feel like 87 again it feels like i need some cash fast this is the best way to do it.....its 2005 bush and anthraxi think ready to really break big time..a follow up to weve come for you all would have smashed them back on top...look at what this reunion has done.....if they think they can go back and play big arenas on this tour think again and band like megadeth that used to sell out huge venues are playing clubs....so this will only get them so far...the usa is not a metal market it will never happen here...and in europe they are huge already with bush...so ill gladley wait for the new aromred saint cd....till then good luck trying to fix all the problems they have to face now...now destroy :hotjump:

Is there someway we can get in contact with John, through his management or something and let him know how pissed we are about this reunion??? Send like petition maybe.
fuelee2004 said:
Is there someway we can get in contact with John, through his management or something and let him know how pissed we are about this reunion??? Send like petition maybe.
Or mabey we could find John`s address and all go to his house and tell him how sorry we are all this has happened.:cry:
old school headbanger said:
Or mabey we could find John`s address and all go to his house and tell him how sorry we are all this has happened.:cry:

or maybe do another sorryeverybody.com? ::loco:
Exactly Mate!!!!

Oh and I see some guy says Safe Homes a Poor song!!!

He Probably prefers "Im the Man"

Grow Up and Move On.....Its Fucking 2005!!!!

And By the way.....Dan Spitz is getting off Lightly Here!!!

Stick to Fixing Clocks.....And who fucking dressed you..Man!!!

I was there in 87 when Alex Skolnick (Testamant Supported them on the ATL Tour) showed Dan how to play the guitar!!! Fucking Ripped His Arse Out!!!! Not a Great Player At All!!!!

And Joey looks like bad face lift!!!!!

johnnieCzech said:
of course. Anthrax is mullets, bermudas, shorts and ninja turtles on guitars. And it´s still 1987. Please wake up with the rest of Anthrax.