New Joey interview - very interesting

Mika and Mikadonna, same poodle haircut and high pitch voice.

Everyone, except you, knows that Anthrax degenerated into NickelBush after Stomp. Thankfully, Joey has returned to bring this band back to glory.

WTF are you talking about? Why didnt start selling out stadiums then? Nickelback is whats current in Rock/Alt music. They are only a few steps past Matchbox 20 toward returning mainstream to harder music. But I can see your comparison. Black Dhalia, Inside out, Crush, C11H17N2O2S Na, Random Acts of Senseless Violence, Fueled, Refuse to Be Denied and What doesnt die all sound exactly like alt radio in the 90's. ahhhhh, no not really. Yep Thrax surely did try and follow some of the commercial trends of the time.If you dont sell records you cant stay in business. Bands have to make the LABEL happy on at least a couple tracks. I would have to say that Metallica went way way way way way more into the "grunge" thing than any of the other big four bands. Seems it paid off for them too. But yeah, anyway.....NickelBush is just a retarded thing to say and not even accurate. Im sure you can come up with something better?