Cool Joey interview - New information!!!

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland

KNAC.COM: Were you able to gel again with the guys doing [the recent "Big Four" festival] shows, or was the focus more just on playing the gigs and working on other issues once they were done and you had some time to catch your breath?

Belladonna: That's always a factor, just trying to keep the system intact as far as fairness and making myself feel a part of it where I'm an equal member and I feel we're working together to get to that goal, versus "we'll tell you about it later, after we've done it." I wanna be there, even if I'm not calling any of the shots, you want to know what's going on, you want to know how it's being run, you just want to be a part of it, that's all, and try to participate in every aspect of it. I'd like to be able to sing they way I sing and not be put in a position where it just doesn't fit my style because they're trying something new. Those are the harder ones to deal with because those are about personal preference and sometimes physically you can only get so many things out of certain people. To me, I just want to be as natural as possible.

KNAC.COM: So the plan going forward is to have you continue on as the frontman, this is not a temporary situation?

Belladonna: I don't feel it being temporary, but I don't read anybody's mind. I personally think this is a good lineup to stay put, it works, it's been successful before and it can be successful again. We work well together. I'm the easiest guy to get along with. I don't cause any havoc, all I ever look for is great vision and fairness, that's all. And I try to do the best I can for the good of the group. So yeah, I see this thing moving as long as it wants to move. As long as everybody stays focused and just doesn't try to flip the coin real quick and find out that you don't have anything on the other side.

KNAC.COM: Does this go-round feel any different than when you reunited with the band a couple years ago?

Belladonna: The reunion, it seemed like there was a discrepancy about how long it was gonna go. At first it was like "let's do it in baby steps" and I guess they claim that we walked into this thing too fast and went out of it too fast and nobody had a chance to get along with each other. I don't know if was really all that, I think it was that nobody really could put everything on the table and say, "This is what we're gonna do, let's make this happen." Now I think we're trying to do that, where everything is on the table and let's be a part of everything we're trying to do together. I just don't want to be an outsider. I just want to be there and involved. Make it fair, make it interesting enough for everyone.

KNAC.COM: When they asked you this time, were there any second thoughts on your part?

Belladonna: Oh yeah, you wonder what's in store. What's different now? What do they want to do now? For me, it was "What are you asking? Do you want me to some shows? Do you want me to be in the band?" But the question was, "Do you want to join the band again?" So I was like "yeah, let's do it, why not? Sure, I'd love to. It would be absolutely cool as hell."

KNAC.COM: So they've got this album, "Worship Music", that for all intents and purposes is done. Is the idea to now rework the album or rerecord the vocals and finally get that music out, or create something completely new together?

Belladonna: All the above. I think you'll get everything you just mentioned. I think there will be some down time along the way [during the upcoming tour with SLAYER and MEGADETH] where we might be able to whip up some ideas songwise. People were talking about writing a little bit on the road, which would be kinda neat if we could find the time and desire to do it. With the stuff they've already done, we'll take every song and if you've got a second shot at anything, you can do whatever you want to them. If something's so good you don't want to touch it, we'll leave it alone, I'll just come in and redo the vocals. It's gonna be different anyhow. I already sang on one song and it's pretty cool, even the guys who are in the crew who were there for the session said it sounded like a completely different song, and that's the way it will be and it's cool. It sounds fresh. I don't even pay attention to what he [former ANTHRAX singer Dan Nelson] did. I just don't think about it, I'll do what I do on a song and make it right with myself in mind. I try to be as focused and original as I can be, I don't like to follow anybody, that's the way to approach it. Make it sharp and maybe make it that much more awesome. Again, it's different, it sounds fresh. I've done[John] Bush songs on the road and didn't have any problems there.

I'm feeling lucky, this time it will work out!
Joey never trash talks but he does sort of let on to the fact that this band must be a complete fucking pain in the ass to be in.
Joey never trash talks but he does sort of let on to the fact that this band must be a complete fucking pain in the ass to be in.

3 Lead singers all basically can't stand the BS that this band continually goes through. I don't know what the deal is with the band. Joey, John, and Dan all within a few years time either left or got the axe etc. Something is definetely fucked up with either Scott Ian's ego or the bands management makes too many decisions for them.

Anthrax's "management" is the worst management group in the history of music. They have destroyed this band over the past 15 years. Bad decision after bad decision. I think bad management combined with a few egos = disaster.

There is no coincidence that 3 singers all basically think these guys are a pain in the fuckin ass to deal with.

Good interview, I actually hope there will be another album after "worship music" because I know Joey wasn't around during these recordings. That scares me only because of the musicianship on the songs. I know Joey has nothing to do with that stuff, but they wrote this album with a different vocalist in mind. I just don't think we will get a true Anthrax record until the one after this.....if there ever will be
they said that they would re-do the songs and make them thrashier with Joey and they would write some new songs for the album, 5 or 6 songs will stay the way they are.
I'll be very surprised if there is a new record at all, never mind one with Joey singing on it.

My thoughts are that chief lyricist and ego Scott must be a nightmare for the singer to work with, both on the road and in the studio. Like his style or not, Joey deserves great credit for putting his own ego aside to save our favourite band. No matter how much $$$$ he is earning, i doubt it's enough for all of the Rosenfield eggshells he must have to tip toe round.
I'll be very surprised if there is a new record at all, never mind one with Joey singing on it.

My thoughts are that chief lyricist and ego Scott must be a nightmare for the singer to work with, both on the road and in the studio. Like his style or not, Joey deserves great credit for putting his own ego aside to save our favourite band. No matter how much $$$$ he is earning, i doubt it's enough for all of the Rosenfield eggshells he must have to tip toe round.

Well said!
I don't think it's just Scott that's a pain in the ass to work for/with. I get the impression the Charlie plays a major role it that too. Just ask Billy Milano. I used to think he was full of shit in all the smack the talked about those two but looking back I think there was more truth to what he had to say about them then I was willing to believe.
Still one of my favorite bands ever, I just hope this time around they've learned from their past mistakes and are able to commit to an awesome THRASH album.
I don't think it's just Scott that's a pain in the ass to work for/with. I get the impression the Charlie plays a major role it that too. Just ask Billy Milano. I used to think he was full of shit in all the smack the talked about those two but looking back I think there was more truth to what he had to say about them then I was willing to believe.
Still one of my favorite bands ever, I just hope this time around they've learned from their past mistakes and are able to commit to an awesome THRASH album.

According to Billy:

Have you spoken to any Anthrax folks lately? Have relations improved since you guys got all pissy with each other?

Scott and I are talking, but Charlie is the biggest pussy I have ever met.