Bigger Guitar sound with Podfarm?


Jan 1, 2011
Bournemouth UK
Hi guys!

Been producing music for a while now, not many posts on here, but I learn a lot from you lads! :)

I've been getting "good" tones from podfarm using the standard sturgis setup, Screamer > Cali > Treadcab > Condenser. And some basic EQ'ing, just really struggling to push it over the edge and make a good guitar tone sound Huge in the mix.

Here's where im at at the moment,

Still just lacking the "hugeness". Any pointers on what I could do? Im just using Ozone on the master buss. Nothing mental.

Thanks in advance guys :)

Peace and fucking. x
Hi guys!

Been producing music for a while now, not many posts on here, but I learn a lot from you lads! :)

I've been getting "good" tones from podfarm using the standard sturgis setup, Screamer > Cali > Treadcab > Condenser. And some basic EQ'ing, just really struggling to push it over the edge and make a good guitar tone sound Huge in the mix.

Here's where im at at the moment,

Still just lacking the "hugeness". Any pointers on what I could do? Im just using Ozone on the master buss. Nothing mental.

Thanks in advance guys :)

Peace and fucking. x

Guitars just have to much Fizz, kill some 4k with a high Q then bring the volume of the guitars up so that your hearing more of the guitar body than gain fizziness.

Thats my 5 cents though ;)
i think that sounds sick as it is, although i understand what you mean. im not going to say anything to help though, because i am in the process of buying POD farm as it is, so i wouldn't be much help. but i did just want to tell you it sounds lovely. that is all.
Real amp.
Just kidding, but yea, cut out the fizziness.
Plus you'd be surprised how much better it sounds when you actually take off more low-end in the guitars and let the bass fill that space up.
Oh, and bus your bass and guitar chain and put some C4 on the bus.
Tape saturation goes a long way too.
be sure to just cut out the bad sounding freqs so that you can raise the volume without it sounding gnarly. also, LIMITER. didn't really get it at first, but you have to actually smash them with a limiter with a release time of 5-10 ms depending on the material, creates a "powerful/fighting for room in the mix"-type of sound. same goes for bass, limit with about the same release time, creates a much tighter tone and helps to bring out that metallic grind if your doing distorted basses. then you put Waves Maxx Bass on the masterbus! seriously, just makes everything sound more massive if you don't go too low.
. then you put Waves Maxx Bass on the masterbus! seriously, just makes everything sound more massive if you don't go too low.

never ever do that please.
only use maxxbass on toms/kick/snare individually.
never across a whole buss.
for bass use rbass.

across the masterbus :
your adding harmonics to the vocals, guitars that are totally unnecessary
and will make your mix incompatible to the real world.
Fucking love the synths and drums. what samples did you use for the drums? and like the others said, I would just bring down the 4k a little bit and then raise the volume and like backe said, use a limiter for bass and guitar. its what i do and it sound heavy, and give that bass a lot of grind, and make it roar under the mix rather than eat it up. had a lot of cases where my bass took over a lot of the frequencies. :kickass: ps, sounds like woe is me
What do you have your tubescreamer settings at? I usually cut the drive to around 11 which is a bit more then I think Joey does but it definitely helped cut excess fizz for me. However I liked your tone a lot :D . For me Id probably just boost the bass a tiny bit.
i've recently started to bypass the podfarm cab and use guitar hacks impulses and noticed a pretty big improvement in terms of it sounding alot more realistic and just better overall.