Biggest Musical Disapointment

How could anyone NOT be disappointed by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss? The way it's hyped up on this forum makes you think it's the be-all and-end all of music as we know it, and when you listen to it you'll be magically transported to nirvana.
Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil (Good album, but not the masterpiece that Terrorizer made it out to be)

Funny that people are commenting on how the Terrorizer review led them to get the Mithras album. I myself was sooo exited about the band after readin the review, but thank goodness I listened to some songs online and could not figure out what all that hype was about. I think they suck pretty bad.
I agree with the Mithras statement; it wasn't a great album, but the only reason it failed in my mind is because of the god awful vocals...other than that I kind of thought it sounded like a hybrid of Morbid Angel & Lustmord :lol: - then again I'm fucking goofy.

The last disappointment I heard was Abbath in the Phantom of the Opera:

How could anyone NOT be disappointed by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss? The way it's hyped up on this forum makes you think it's the be-all and-end all of music as we know it, and when you listen to it you'll be magically transported to nirvana.

Well it is a fucking great album. I wasn't disappointed when I heard it and now it's one of my favorite albums. :worship:
Funny that people are commenting on how the Terrorizer review led them to get the Mithras album.

I hardly noticed any of the hype surrounding Mithras because I don't read much metal press, so I didn't approach this album with any expectations. It's now one of my favourite albums. I wonder if this would have happened if I had approached it with the same lofty expectations as so many others.
How could anyone NOT be disappointed by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss? The way it's hyped up on this forum makes you think it's the be-all and-end all of music as we know it, and when you listen to it you'll be magically transported to nirvana.

Do you smoke crack?

That album has magically transported me to nirvana several times, as a matter of fact.
anyway, i hate nu-metal (thanks satanstoenail) and i love old metal, in any gender... death, thrash, heavy, black...

about Atheist, i like to listen Elements... to understand the musical evolution is the question.

Heh i definitely can't argue with your own opinion however i wont listen to a band just because it might or might not be a band that leads to creating my favourite bands imo any metal before 95 is boring.
Stiny Plamenu-Ve Spine Je Pravda.

Everyone on here got me interested, talked about how good it was, etc.

It wasn't all that great.
Necrovore - Divus De Mortuus. Many say it's some of the greatest dm, and I think they need to get their hearing checked. It's poorly produced, mediocre death metal to my ears. The only thing that makes it special, is that, being released in 1987, it was way ahead of its time.