Birthday! + toy(s)


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
20th today! :kickass:

Out of responce to the "which phaser" thread I posted a while back I got a EVH Phase 90 and im loving it! Also managed to get a Sennheiser wireless system (I hate pissing wires!).

Bit of spare cash lying around for some future purchases me thinks! :):) :Smokin:
awesome dude!! hows are both of em? hows the sennhesier for excess noise?

Aye they are both spot on, need some double sided sticky tape to secure the pedal into my board since its slightly thinner than I expected. The wireless is everything I could want really, it sounds just as good if not better than when I was using leads :P Cant wait to do the next gig with these! :kickass:
my wireless is sooo noisey, but at small gigs, no one can tell anyway!!! thats why i just run a guitar>amp setup live as the kids dont give a crap! why dont you just use velcro to attach ur pedal? or better still do what i did, make a customised board and use longer screws with the same thread thru a sheet of plywood to attach em to the main pedal board, worked a treat, and never damaged the pedals! but thats caus im an engineer and have random stuff like that lying around!
These just showed up in the mail today:


Fuck yeah I have my desk back!