Anssi Tenhunen
Have you tried visiting outside the country? It's a nice, refreshing change also and usually either makes everything feel better or shit back home.
If you're set on moving, you're set on moving, and California could just be tarnished because of your experiences there, but I have to say that your complaints with it are not at all complaints relative to California itself, but relative to people in general. A change of scenery is probably much needed and will help a lot, but it won't fix everything - there are other problems to be taken care of other than just location. I mean this in the least antagonistic way possible - it sounds to me like you have social/personal problems that need to be sorted out before anything else will get fixed.
I'll also say that if your experiences are largely based in Sacramento... there's your problem. Road trip down to SoCal and chill with me/the other forum dudes that are in the LA area (are there that many? shit), and it might open your eyes a bit!
Dude, I say go for it. I was born and lived most of my life in Venezuela, and I hate that fucking place, I´ve been living in Spain for 7months now, brought my Gf and married here, and now I´m a fucking happy camper. When you´re sick of a place and the people in it (I do miss my friends a lot, but the general population in venezuela is wothless shitbags) the best thing to do is make your plans and get the hell out. You can always go back if it doesn´t turn out like you wanted (or go somewhere else)
Speaking of jobs, I just got a call earlier for a job interview on Wednesday, possible making a shitload of ripping people off fixing their computers. You know most people may hate geek squad for that exact reason, but when you work for them, its golden to dupe stupid people.
Looks like the plan will be soon in motion, first on the list, car buying.![]()
I know what you mean. The only non-asshat I know is really my only friend, and we didn't go to school together because he hated the area so bad that he moved to a rich area in town with his dad and then did home schooling when he came back. Although he is a little bit more anti-social that I, we both agree the people we are surrounded by are complete d-bags. Whats even funnier is that I know that if I move, any of the three places I listed he would end up following me there to.
What's a shitload? As a bench tech or field tech?
This is what concerns me and makes it obvious to me that the problem is not your location - there are asshats and douchebags EVERYWHERE, and they surround EVERYONE. Moving away from your town won't get you away from douchebags, it'll just bring you closer to new ones.
I guarantee there are a lot of cool people where you live, just like there are a lot of cool people anywhere. 80% of the world's population is retarded, though, so you'll also run into that. It really sucks having to sort through them all, but it's totally worth it and there's no way around it. You can't simply move and expect it to get any better. People are people, regardless of where you end up.