ok, im relativly new to this forum, (thanks for not n00bing me though) but ive noticed that there is alot of bitching between people and calls for banning ips.
i dont know the ins and outs of the diputes but ive seen many forums destroyed by this bickering and the endless banning requests.
UM seems like a cool forum and most of you guys arent cocks and have something good to say, as well as not flaming every noob or crap comment and i'd hate to see this place turn into tabcrawler or perfs.
2 of the places i left after the forums turned into bitch sessions.
its not really my place to say so but cant you keep the arguments to PMs or on MSN as its lame when threads are taken over by personal disputes.
i dont know the ins and outs of the diputes but ive seen many forums destroyed by this bickering and the endless banning requests.
UM seems like a cool forum and most of you guys arent cocks and have something good to say, as well as not flaming every noob or crap comment and i'd hate to see this place turn into tabcrawler or perfs.
2 of the places i left after the forums turned into bitch sessions.
its not really my place to say so but cant you keep the arguments to PMs or on MSN as its lame when threads are taken over by personal disputes.