The Bitching Thread

I'm SUPER PISSED OFF because Shining are coming to play in MY TOWN litterally 5 minutes from my door!!!!!! Which is awesome news!!!
Especially since my band Kludde was asked to be the support act!!!

pissed off at the british professors for the unjustified academic ban and just for being fucking stupid...what does the israeli acadmic system have to do with the military action within gaza against terrorists and rocket launchers.

they kind of got an equal response...currently the London cast of Mamma Mia is doing the musical in israel every day till the end of june.
instead of touring the country...they got a big decline from most theaters and halls in the country because of that eventually they do all shows in the Nokia hall(Maccabi Tel-Aviv basketball home field)
mad at work on weekends...the girlfriend thing sucks... but it gives u an excuse to visit her here?... well at least is not a full year, like it is for my sis in law...summer is getting boring, nothing to do ... still hating my job :d
Well I'm afraid I can't visit her... I got school so my only chance would be christmas holidays. But it's a whole lot of money, especially considering the fact that SHE's going away and I'd have to follow her (yeah I'm bitter :p)
here's a bitch
