The recommendation thread.


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
There is a lot of good musical knowledge to share from the people in who visit this thread. Lately I've been all about bands with quality lyrical themes, and music. This forum has sparked my love for porcupine tree, pain of salvation, and other bands I might not normally get into. I've had cds from those bands for quite sometime, and they just sat there until recently. I would like this to be a recommendation thread that feeds off each-others preferences. So please add links, and explain just why the band is worth checking out. Also if you'd like to share literature, movies, or anything else that might pertain to this certain band go ahead as well. Go ahead and ask for recommendations as well.

Share with me more bands of the quality of Porcupine Tree.

Also cheers to all. :kickass:
well i guess this thread can be about sharing quality bands/literature/film etc that normally people in this forum have not heard of...?
is that ok?
if this is the case... theres a german band called Dark Suns.. they are good friends with the pain of salvation guys and their lates album 'existence' is brilliant ... check them out!

they are very good!
i'd describe their sound but i'll let you figure that out on your own :)
Amen to that! Dark Suns are really really awesome, though I could never get into Swanlike. Really curious about the new album, even though it's not coming for another while (January I believe). The recently changed layout of their website makes me wonder if they're going to pull a 'Gloria' though... I was immediately reminded of that when I first saw it.

Before anyone asks, yes, I do like Gloria.
There is a lot of good musical knowledge to share from the people in who visit this thread. Lately I've been all about bands with quality lyrical themes, and music. This forum has sparked my love for porcupine tree, pain of salvation, and other bands I might not normally get into. I've had cds from those bands for quite sometime, and they just sat there until recently. I would like this to be a recommendation thread that feeds off each-others preferences. So please add links, and explain just why the band is worth checking out. Also if you'd like to share literature, movies, or anything else that might pertain to this certain band go ahead as well. Go ahead and ask for recommendations as well.

Share with me more bands of the quality of Porcupine Tree.

Also cheers to all. :kickass:

a man come on!!! you did it again!! we don't need another thread like this !! do we?
by reading the trheads "now playing" and "yer current addictions" we get enough got it? :p
This thread is supposed to be INTERACTIVE where people can ask for what kinda music they want to hear more of. I rarely check out any bands from the threads you mentioned because i'm not sure if it's the direction I would care for, and people rarely explain much about the band they mention, and rarely add links. This thread is also supposed to be broader than just music too. If you don't want to post here then simply don't. Doesn't bother me.
This thread is supposed to be INTERACTIVE where people can ask for what kinda music they want to hear more of. I rarely check out any bands from the threads you mentioned because i'm not sure if it's the direction I would care for, and people rarely explain much about the band they mention, and rarely add links. This thread is also supposed to be broader than just music too. If you don't want to post here then simply don't. Doesn't bother me.

I've wasted two minutes of my life reading this...I want em back!!:mad: btwy I don't like you no more, and it does bother me since I liked your snail, ship or whatever your avatar is lol
I've wasted two minutes of my life reading this...I want em back!!:mad: btwy I don't like you no more, and it does bother me since I liked your snail, ship or whatever your avatar is lol

I think he's right don't get anything from those threads. I like this thread!:kickass: Although I guess if there was another one...
Alright. So, I've been listening to alot of stuff like Depeche Mode, De/Vision, and Paradise Lost (Host-SOL period) lately. Any suggestions for similar bands I might enjoy?
I know you've heard of Nine inch nails but if you don't listen to trent then definitely check his stuff out. Check out the nin songs the great below, right where it belongs, everyday is exactly the same, hurt, just like you imagined, terrible lie. All his cds are classic. Radioheads newer cds("kid a" and onward) are definitely up the same alley as the stuff you mentioned. Thom york's solo cd the eraser has some great tracks as well. I dunno but I think you might also like the band tomahawk with mike patton.
Amorphis' album Am universum should be right up your alley. Much like paradise lost, i think. I also believe paradise lost - one second should be good. Since its quite a lot like the albums you mentioned
Thanks for the suggestion daimonion. One Second is pretty good. I actually have all of Amorphis' cds, so yeah, it's good stuff.

BlueSky: Checking out some of your recommendations. Tomahawk is ok, and what I've heard of Radiohead is pretty good. I'm Really liking Thom Yorke's solo stuff though; just might have to buy it soon.
a man come on!!! you did it again!! we don't need another thread like this !! do we?
by reading the trheads "now playing" and "yer current addictions" we get enough got it?

if you dont want to read it
then dont.
quit complaining like a forum nazi
its worse than pointless threads