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I bet those dudes get laid all the time^playstation network is down for a couple days. the rumor is it was hacked by people who are fighting sony because they removed the install other OS feature (so basicly you can run linux and play super nintendo on your ps3) and the recently banned geohotz jailbreak or whatever, which basicly means people were hacking the shit out of every game (apperently MW2 was awful for weeks).
short version, a bunch of angry nerds are terribly upset they cant hack their games (and lets face it, the only reason they wanted these cracks are so they can played games for free and other things like cheat your way to max level in call of duty). they fly under the banner of riotiousness and freedom, and resort to silly childish games that only serve to hurt their own cause
bunch of children ruining it for everyone if its true.
^wow serious, both of those sound excellent
old metroid and castlevania was the shit
and megaman X. X2, X3 are some of my favorite snes games
I had just finished playing some of LittleBigPlanet in the afternoon and my PS3 just shut off. It gave me the awesome blinking red light. At a couple of points, it would turn out and shut off. I read that it could be a heating issue, so I let it be for a bit. Several times I was able to have a minute to backup files to the timely free PlaystationPlus that allowed me to store some save files. Unfortunately it stopped working completely and I did not get everything that I wanted backed up.
I bought a new one tonight with a friend's discount and hoped that I could use an adapter I have to pull files off of the old hard drive. I finally managed to pull the old hard drive out and it was an unsuccessful attempt. The PS3 did not recognize anything. I also plugged it into my laptop just to see if it would get a read and it did not. Kind of sucks.