Biting my tongue...


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I'm just wondering, what do you guys normally do here when you see someone post something entirely inane, self-obsessive or atrociously ego-centric?

Given that about 50% of threads I'm likely to look at on this fine forum now have a post or few like this, I find myself trying to hold my tongue more than ever. Quite literally, I'm trying to stop from unleashing and subsequently getting banned.

Before anyone says it, this isn't 'just a forum'. Discussions on here were frequently quite educational (some still are), and without this place I quite simply could not have built a career around production and audio engineering. I doubt I'm the only one. Simple as that. It was at one point 'much more' than a simple forum.

Lasse, surely you must know what I'm talking about. Moderating the Opeth board, I nearly ran my skull through my monitor a few times. You're at the front line of it.

This could turn into a rant about 'what happened to this place?' or 'where did all the rational, helpful individuals go?', but that's something that probably can't be answered. So I really just want to know how you guys do it, day after day? I'm coming close to a point where I'm either going to go ballistic or just leave this place. The latter would suck, given how much I've gained here, and how much there is still left to pay back.
I was going to ask you to be more specific with examples.. and then I saw the post I think started this thread.

Hopefully this doesn't apply to me.. but the biting of the tongue tends to be my egotistical posting. I tend to fluctuate between thinking I'm the most awesome at everything, and realising that I am actually really not very good at all.. in all things in life, not just mixing.
Ermz, are you talking about noob posts that don't search first or posters that run their mouths off /talk crap ?
Every now and then I find myself writing a post and then just closing the window. This year it's happened noticeably more times then previous years. No wonder I have 1.26 posts per day even though this is my main forum.
I have lived that in a french well known guitar forum. Even if I wasn't there the early days, I liked it, learnt a LOT about guitar there, and the more there were people, the worst it became. Now if you read the first board, it's all about "what is the best guitar to begin ?", a topic covered something like 5000 times (no joking, I'm not exagerating it has 300 000 registered members now so you get the point), and also word fights like it seems it happens in the HCAF.

Anyway, I don't think this place has got so bad. It has got worse, for sure, but it's still a nice place. It's just that there are some individuals who think they also have the knowledge, and among them, some are a bit rough. What I don't like personnaly is when people don't respect other's work. For example, in the "so you want it tight" thread, many people flame jval, but he does is job. I don't like the way modern production goes year after year, and I express it, but it's not a reason to be aggressive with a guy that works, and it seems, works well. Fact is too many bedroom "ae" think they know what they are talking about.

I like this place because this is the only place I ever found where you people say productive things. Still with a lot of fun around, I know I can have better advice or help here than anywhere else, even about guitar playing. I'm sure you would be more productive about guitar questions than in that site I talked about earlier.

I know I'm not saying anything new in that post, but that was just to express the fact that those people are a minority, and still a lot of people like me are just willing to progress even if not in a 100% perspective of being pro, learn, and have fun, with help from you old sneapers, and already try to give back what they learnt when they can to camarads.
I almost stopped reading and posting. It's not worth discussing these things with people who have a) no manners, b) no respect and c) little common-sense, really.

The more you lay into them, the more they'll be convinced that they are right.
I have lived that in a french well known guitar forum. Even if I wasn't there the early days, I liked it, learnt a LOT about guitar there, and the more there were people, the worst it became. Now if you read the first board, it's all about "what is the best guitar to begin ?", a topic covered something like 5000 times (no joking, I'm not exagerating it has 300 000 registered members now so you get the point), and also word fights like it seems it happens in the HCAF.

Anyway, I don't think this place has got so bad. It has got worse, for sure, but it's still a nice place. It's just that there are some individuals who think they also have the knowledge, and among them, some are a bit rough. What I don't like personnaly is when people don't respect other's work. For example, in the "so you want it tight" thread, many people flame jval, but he does is job. I don't like the way modern production goes year after year, and I express it, but it's not a reason to be aggressive with a guy that works, and it seems, works well. Fact is too many bedroom "ae" think they know what they are talking about.

I like this place because this is the only place I ever found where you people say productive things. Still with a lot of fun around, I know I can have better advice or help here than anywhere else, even about guitar playing. I'm sure you would be more productive about guitar questions than in that site I talked about earlier.

I know I'm not saying anything new in that post, but that was just to express the fact that those people are a minority, and still a lot of people like me are just willing to progress even if not in a 100% perspective of being pro, learn, and have fun, with help from you old sneapers, and already try to give back what they learnt when they can to camarads.

+ infiny
You obviously are thinking about a specific few posters i'd say?
Just name them and what bothers you then, the forum abd those posters are wise enough to take i'd say?
I'd say thats more effective then this.
You obviously are thinking about a specific few posters i'd say?
Just name them and what bothers you then, the forum abd those posters are wise enough to take i'd say?
I'd say thats more effective then this.

You guys want me to start a public slander match in this thread? No thanks. It has no place here.

I'd rather somebody just tell me how to work the 'ignore' function on the board :lol

Thanks for those who shared. I'm usually with Shadow_walker. I'll usually type up rant-esque posts only to do a double take and just close the window thinking 'it's not worth it'. Honestly I think if someone could just tell me how to put people on 'ignore' I'd be a lot happier.
yeah, leave it... def not worth it. eventually the offender will feck everyone else off or perhaps just discredit himself so badly he'll be ignored by everyone.

I'm just wondering, what do you guys normally do here when you see someone post something entirely inane, self-obsessive or atrociously ego-centric?

i usually realize pretty quickly that it's just james being his opinionated self, and go back to what i was doing...

and yes, this post is made completely in jest, so hold back on the flamethrowers...
its not easy when some of the people that really make my balls itch seem to show up in many threads I'm most interested in

just scroll past their post, you are your own ignore function.
Honestly I think if someone could just tell me how to put people on 'ignore' I'd be a lot happier.

Control panel -> buddy / ignore list ->
To add a user to either list, enter their name in the empty boxes for that list and click 'Save List'.

I haven't used it so far, though. I think it will be a bit weird to follow a topic where people are responding to the person you've ignored and you have no idea what's happening. Plus it's will prevent you from being able to warn other people whenever the person in question is spreading false information. On the other hand they say "ignorance is bliss" so let us now how it turns out if you try it.
I joined this year, and it's already a bit different than a few months ago. Just move past the posts man. No sense in getting upset - look at these posts as nothing more than text on an internet page - you determine the context for yourself, and then selectively read / respond.
i usually realize pretty quickly that it's just james being his opinionated self, and go back to what i was doing...

and yes, this post is made completely in jest, so hold back on the flamethrowers...
joke or not, i don't appreciate it one bit, and Ermz has already told me in a PM exactly who and what he was on about, as well as expressed his appreciation of my participation in the forum multiple times recently, so you can be assured it's not me he's referring to.

are you quite certain it's not you?

but don't worry, "this post is made in jest, so hold back on the flaming..."

no, but kiss my ass (just kidding)...

seriously though, F yourself in the A (nur ein Witz, don't get angry now ;))

piss off (i love you!)

