Biting my tongue...

I share Ermz' sentiment, but these kinda threads are also a bit ironic because they're always aimed at an unspecified mass. We talk about specific people but at the same time we don't. Who knows, maybe he's talking about me too? I wouldn't know. Part of me says "let's get these issues straight on the table", part of me says a public witch hunt ain't exactly the high road.

Well, I try to stay friendly and just to ignore these kinda posts. But it is reaaally hard sometimes.

Personally, if someone has an issue with me, I'd prefer to have him tell me. All this tiptoeing doesn't get us anywhere. And if somebody can't take some carefully worded criticism, then he's not at the right place to begin with.
The forum has definitely changed a bit from what it used to be. More people post here these days and the rise in users means a greater chance of dealing with douchebags.
I must be very selective with what I read on here, because I don't ever see anything crazy going on (well with the exception of the Attack Attack thread and the record every single note on a guitar thread).

Once in a while I read some nutty stuff in the Off-Topic section, but I suppose that is the purpose of that sub-forum.
i share the opinion about the person in question 100%
having an ego the size of a blimp gets you no-where fast and i learnt that the hard way very recently. and leaving the personality side of things behind for a second and focusing on talent, or lack thereof, as an audio engineer, i think constantly holding the opinion that you suck is actually quite healthy as long as you're ALWAYS pushing to be better.

and as far as kurtz's little jab at james goes, i chuckled a bit, but putting on my serious hat for a moment: i definately appreciate james' presence here far more than i ever did. the guy keeps me far more level headed than i usually would be. muchos respect to james for that.
I think this forum is peaceful and friendly in comparisson with other forums around the world. In fact this is the only forum I really post. All my post in UM forums are in Sneap's.
Out in the www, there are hordes of inhuman bastards and people who think they are rockstar and pro AE's... here I feel good.

What really pisses me off is that sometimes I find it hard to explain myself properly cause this is not my mother tongue... and in those cases I prefer to keep silence rather than writting things that may be misunderstood.
i think constantly holding the opinion that you suck is actually quite healthy as long as you're ALWAYS pushing to be better

Sooo wise. Unfortunately it seems a particular stretch of years in a man's life are so pumped with ambition that he doesn't see reason.

I've certainly been through some ego-charged phases, but it's soon put in perspective. The great thing about continued learning is that the more you do it, the more you realize you don't know.

It's a good attitude, Gareth, and you seem a lot more level headed now, as things have cooled down.

Now if only a majority of the bands we worked with weren't plagued with members in that 'magical' age bracket, our work may actually be bearable! :lol:
i couldnt agree more with your original post ermz and with smy1's response. i've been here a little over a year and in that short span i've seen the culture/attitude of this forum degenerate significantly. its sad cuz this place is such a great resource, but i find myself wanting to participate less and less and use this place merely as a biz contacts page. a couple things i consider:

- for many people,this isnt their native tongue, so word choice, humor and sarcasm, etc can all be misinterpreted. not everyone can use that excuse, but some can

- fighting back? not worth it. who gives a shit what some 20 y.o. living in his parents basement thinks? its not worth the time or the keystrokes.

- if a title sounds like somethign thats gonna piss you off, just skip it. one less distraction

- dont bother helping/correcting people who either dont listen or think they know it all. once again, not worth it

is there enough info/resources/contacts here to make it worth your time? i'm still trying to figure that one out myself.
Damn. I don't read enough on this forum, that's for sure. Curious about "that" post now. What did I miss?

Oh yeah, I tend to write a long answer to something, then just delete it and move on. ;)
Hmm. I'm a bit worried about posting in this thread, as if the person in question is me, I'll feel like a right nobhead. :lol:

Anyway... I think the cloak and dagger method is a bit futile. Either say what you've got to say, or just let it go. No sense in adding to the miasma of posts.
I think this forum is peaceful and friendly in comparisson with other forums around the world. In fact this is the only forum I really post. All my post in UM forums are in Sneap's.
Out in the www, there are hordes of inhuman bastards and people who think they are rockstar and pro AE's... here I feel good.

What really pisses me off is that sometimes I find it hard to explain myself properly cause this is not my mother tongue... and in those cases I prefer to keep silence rather than writting things that may be misunderstood.

This forum is tame when you compare it to the Meshuggah forum, thats like being in a fucking lions cage! Its insane on there, huge arguments happen over nothing, just one wrong word and fucking BAM, you can instantly become the website's new enemy!
Ermz, and whoever is upset, just PM the person and tell them how you feel like an adult. I'm sure they'll talk to you about it unless they're a schmuck.
Ermz, and whoever is upset, just PM the person and tell them how you feel like an adult. I'm sure they'll talk to you about it unless they're a schmuck.

+1 These thread's are so childish.....why are you bothered or even care? i never know what ppl are talking about when they start saying this forum is becoming annoying and not good. I don't notice any of that...i have been here since 06' seems like the same great forum to me.....yeh there are a few new ppl that are dicks but that's in any forum. I mean Ermz maybe you should take a break 13000 post is a shit ton....Your just taking stuff to personal maybe you need a break

It's like when you hang out with a friend for to long.....everything starts to become annoying and everything sets you off....the only thing to do is to get away from them for awhile
I dont want to offend Ermz or anyone that think like him but I think that some of you guys spend much time here and give to much importance to this virtual life. This is without any doubt a great source of information but you have to know how to filter the usefull and relevant information from the bullshit issues. Why bother with smart asses and their idiot egos? It´s just a waste of time and dont worth the effort.

My advice is, spend more time with things and persons that really matter, in other words, the real life.
Sooo wise. Unfortunately it seems a particular stretch of years in a man's life are so pumped with ambition that he doesn't see reason.

I've certainly been through some ego-charged phases, but it's soon put in perspective. The great thing about continued learning is that the more you do it, the more you realize you don't know.

It's a good attitude, Gareth, and you seem a lot more level headed now, as things have cooled down.

Now if only a majority of the bands we worked with weren't plagued with members in that 'magical' age bracket, our work may actually be bearable! :lol:
I'm holding the opinion I suck because I actually do suck :lol: