Do I need a overdrive pedal? You be the judge! (Help my guitar sound)

Sep 20, 2005
I'm about to start recording guitar parts to an albums worth of songs that I've written. Before I really start getting into it I want to get a good rhythm guitar sound so I tried one of them to start out. I'm using a 6505+ Mesa cabinet and an i5.

The biggest problem is I'm getting that "Voomph" noise on smaller speakers, I assume the problem is too much gain. So I was thinking I could do two of the tracks on the Crunch channel instead of the lead channel but I think I need a tubescreamer to make that sound good. Am I right? Is this just my subconscious trying to make me purchase something new? am I deaf? Any other tips on helping the sound would be appreciated. I think I'm going to try to imitate a guitar sound that I like to get a good starting place. Any and all opinions appreciated! I'd also like to know what you think of the song. It's pretty simple but it's fun to play.

Song is here and is called seven.

Thanks! :)
SinMeph - Bobs mixes sound kick ass on Soundclick, but this one sounded pretty washed out - really hard to get an idea of your guitar sound.

When you said "Voooomph" I thought you meant speaker fart, which is what plagued me for a while. I had my amp too loud for a single V30 to handle, and
I was getting an audible "vooomph" speaker fart/excursion:

I was able to fix this by going to a 2x12 cab.

Wish I could be more help, but that snare drum on your mix pretty much dominates my tympanic membrane and I cant really zero in on your guitar.
EtherForBreakfast said:
SinMeph - Bobs mixes sound kick ass on Soundclick, but this one sounded pretty washed out - really hard to get an idea of your guitar sound.

That's because Bob is good and I'm not. :ill: Anyway, I'll see if I can do anything about making it easier to hear and repost it... Thanks! I'm not having a problem with my cabinet "farting" but the speakers I play the audio file through. The guitar is pretty low because I'm always worried I'm going to make it too loud because it's my instrument.
SinMeph - I did *not* mean it like that, to say that Bob is "better" because his soundclick stuff sounds better.

It was more of a generalized quandry about compression that some of those sites do to sound files and thought maybe you were on some type of limited account setting that would compress heavily to limit bandwidth... I digress.

What do you mean about "the speakers you play the audio file through" ? Your studio monitors/speakers?? When I listened to the Soundclick tune, I heard a snare drum that was totally dominating. You are afraid that your guitars are too much?
get a ts9 and you'll never regret it. . .

thats just my opinion, i just bought a vintage one and i've been so happy with it!
i'm going to post up clips when i get the chance to record em.
EtherForBreakfast said:
SinMeph - I did *not* mean it like that, to say that Bob is "better" because his soundclick stuff sounds better.

It was more of a generalized quandry about compression that some of those sites do to sound files and thought maybe you were on some type of limited account setting that would compress heavily to limit bandwidth... I digress.

What do you mean about "the speakers you play the audio file through" ? Your studio monitors/speakers?? When I listened to the Soundclick tune, I heard a snare drum that was totally dominating. You are afraid that your guitars are too much?

Sorry, I just meant that it was my fault not soundclicks. I didn't take it personally. I really really like bobs stuff so it's not even mildly bad for me to think of myself as worse anyway. :)

Basically if I try playing it through computer speakers and other bad speakers it screws up. Not a big deal for me because I don't listen to music through computer speakers often but I give it to any of my friends or something they probably will.

And I was saying that my guitars were probably LOW because in general I have a tendency to turn them down and overcompensate for my wanting them loud because I'm a guitar player. Thanks ether! Sorry I'm not very good at getting my point across. :lol:

I'll probably get one... we'll see.
ot- i just noticed that bob is a popular guy around here. . . his songwriting and recording abilities are very admirable. if i were gay, id probably wanna have sex with him by this point. . . if not, at least after a few drinks. . wow i'm SOO gonna edit this post once i realize how dumb i sound. . . nah i wont. . .
I'm not even gay and I want to have bobseks with him. Maybe I could contract some skills as well as diseases.

cobhc said:
yeah sounds like it, or slightly out of time, i like the low end, but there's not much presence to the guitars either

yeah probably... Have to start somewhere!
Sounds like you've got to much bass in your tone creating that "Voomph".
Turn it down a bit. Whether on your amp or EQ.
The whole mix needs to be a little brighter also.
The snare - bring it down so it's more even with the rest of the kit.
Other than that I think your tone is quite good.