Bizarre 6505 issue, appears stuck on max output


Aug 26, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
I lent my 6505 to a band I recently recorded for their CD launches this past weekend and it is now suffering an extremely curious problem.

Regardless of the post gain setting, the amp appears to be outputting maximum volume to any cab I connect to it. This is including with the post gain set to 0 and is also on either the Rhythm or Lead channel.

Happens with both output jacks, have tried it with a 16ohm and 8ohm cab.

Anyone encountered this before? Just curious as if anyone doesn't have a solution, then I'm taking it to a tech tomorrow. I have a bunch of recording to do this week and lending it to Whitechapel next week for Soundwave so need it fixed asap and I am unsure of the turnaround time for the tech at present.