
I was talking about pedophiles.

You somehow associated that with "beautiful and cute."


I can't enjoy her because she sounds too much like a 10 year old girl. A 10 year old girl who is trying to be sensual. That's fucking creepy.

Glad you can enjoy her. Some people think Beth from Portishead is creepy sounding, but I love Portishead, so I guess I know how you guys feel. Kinda.
have you finished watching "Dancer in the Dark"?

i never dared lol. the combination of the ultra innocent selma/björk and von trier is just something I cant get past. ive never had this much problem watching a movie before and i think this time i better trust my feelings :cry:

i always create strong emotional bonds with the characters in good movies, be it disgust hate or love, and i cant get away from the feeling that von trier deliberately is gna use that to fuck my mind up :rofl: