BKP Aftermath Clips

Mine are old and new and far from finished atm :lol:

Anyway; this has the aftmermath right, ceramic nailbomb left. Did it ages ago. need to redo it.


This is pure aftermath through a pittbull CL, test recording I chopped out of a track that I since started to re-write and re-record, so this (placeholder, intended for reamping) sound is long since scrapped, but you get the idea. No bass!


And if we're on BKs in general, I did this for a local band a little while ago; its Ceramic nailbomb tracked into a powerball, reamped and blended with the pittbull.


I know my mixing is way below par for round here, but no point being shy about it, eh?
My RAN Thor with BK Nailbomb.

Forgot to say that it's the Alnico V Nailbomb, not the Ceramic one. Awesome.

Sounds great!

Thanks lasse :)

I'l be re-tracking the song that the second clip came from soon enough. It has 255 and 260bpm palm muted 16ths in drop B in it, if youre interested in the fast palm-muted sound, I'll post it up? No 81 here to compare it it to, though. (I do miss my EMGs from time to time, have occasionally thought of going back, but I can get pretty much everything I liked about EMGs, or the 81 at least, from the aftermath and ceramic nailbomb without anything that I didnt like about them).
yo, s'craic?
I've just installed my new BKP Aftermath and tweaked the amps a bit to fit the pickup better...
so here's a wee clip for you:

Aftermath Metal

I gotta say I like the smooth chunkyness/chewyness this pup has

now post yours!

hey that's the first aftermath clip i've heard with some upper frequency bite to it. I've been on the fence about getting one but all the clips i've heard have sounded pretty dull on the high end. Just curious what were you using before?