Black 13 Interview via Blabbermouth


Mar 15, 2005
Cleveland, OH
ANTHRAX Guitarist: We Want To Make A Proper Follow-Up To 'We've Come For You All'

ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian has told that he, drummer Charlie Benante and bassist Frank Bello have spent the last eight months writing and fine-tuning a batch of new songs, which Ian said are along the lines of the band's unsung 2003 album, "We've Come for You All". At the moment, however, ANTHRAX are still without a singer, making it difficult to move forward.

SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR singer Corey Taylor came forward earlier this year and said he'd like to sing for them. At first, ANTHRAX were skeptical, since Taylor was already overextending himself with SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR. But Taylor was determined. "He said, 'No, dude, you have no idea what this means to me and what an honor it would be, so let me figure this out,' " explained Ian.

At the time, it looked like there would be a large enough window between the end of the STONE SOUR cycle and the beginning of SLIPKNOT's sessions for Taylor to record the album and launch at least one full tour with ANTHRAX.

"We were all stoked and sent him all the music we had, and he had already started writing to it," Ian recalled. "Then, the powers that be made an executive decision and basically just didn't let it happen. It physically couldn't happen because our window kept getting smaller and smaller. They moved the SLIPKNOT thing up and pushed the STONE SOUR thing this way, and they just made it impossible for all of us. We might have still been able to make a record, but then we wouldn't have been able to tour, and what would have been the sense of that? We just would have been shooting ourselves in the foot."

At this point, ANTHRAX have a pile of songs, and they're just waiting for the right guy to fill the frontman position so they can proceed. While they've got a short list of singers with whom they're in discussions, there's no word regarding who will fill John Bush, Joey Belladonna and Taylor's shoes.

"It's getting to be a little bit of a problem with the material we're writing," Ian admitted. "Because the singer we use will obviously have some bearing on what kind of songs we write. But we know that we want to make a proper follow-up to 'We've Come for You All', which we all loved. But we want it to be even better: heavier, faster, hookier. As songwriters, you try to improve on your craft. And fortunately, we've got the time to make that happen. We have no deadline at all because we've got no label deal, so my attitude is, 'Let's make the most metal record we've ever made in our lives,' and I would have to say that's coming to fruition."


As a fan I want a proper follow up to WCFYA too, but you can't have that without John and Rob.
o.k. for right now at least we know they want a continuation of WCFYA album.
That's problem with that.but what about John,Joe or a new singers 2 cents..
I think it's all about catching the elements of 5 people in a group in my opinion.
According to the report they have a few songs written..
who's album would it really be..ian,benante and bello or the new singer..

if john and joey are not available...what about zak stevens..his voice is some what in between in my opinion.

No word on Dan....
Zak Stevens could be really cool if he kept the operatic thing to a minimum and focused on the grittyness of his voice (which is excellent). Fantastic vocalist...check out Savatage's albums "Edge Of Thorns" and "Handful Of Rain" for everyone not familiar with his voice.

With that said - I really hope they give John the opportunity to hear the songs they are writing - perhaps they will excite him and make him want to contribute. He had said that it would be tough to follow-up WCFYA - but if he hears what they are writing and it's great shit, he'll want to do it for sure. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm dreaming - but it's always worth a shot. John rules, he will always be Anthrax's singer to me. I will be disappointed in anyone other than John singing for the band. I'm not opposed to checking out what they do but I'll never be a follower to the extent that I was on the WCFYA tour (went to 7 shows - even lost a 2nd shift job in order to go see them).
With that said - I really hope they give John the opportunity to hear the songs they are writing - perhaps they will excite him and make him want to contribute. He had said that it would be tough to follow-up WCFYA - but if he hears what they are writing and it's great shit, he'll want to do it for sure. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm dreaming - but it's always worth a shot. John rules, he will always be Anthrax's singer to me. I will be disappointed in anyone other than John singing for the band. I'm not opposed to checking out what they do but I'll never be a follower to the extent that I was on the WCFYA tour (went to 7 shows - even lost a 2nd shift job in order to go see them).

From what I have heard, he has been sent a few songs and liked the material, but declined to work on them...

I hope he does not come back myself. They do not deserve him.
I hope John changes his mind too but at the same time im interested in hearing what Corey Taylors worked on with the band. Maybe he put some vocals down that will make it on to the record as a guest appearance.
I just asked Charlie this:
'Hey Charlie, so your still looking for a new singer? Wont Bush reconsider a WCFYA follow up done proper? Tell him to do it for the fans!!'

And he replied: 'He won't do it, He is Done with the Music Life'
Well, that's one that we should be sure is not comin' back... actually, two, because I'm 99.99% sure Joey isn't coming back either. I changed my mind about what vocalist I want though. I think Eric AK from Flotsam & Jetsam would sound cool. He sounded like Joey on crack in the '80s, but his voice has gotten a lot gruffer over the years and might suit the sound Scott/Charlie is looking for.

Unlike some people out there, I think it would be interesting to see Anthrax with a new vocalist... as in TOTALLY new. I seem to be in the minority, though. Oh well. *shrug*
think it's like watching a funeral in progress, but the corpse doesn't know it's dead? Without Bush they are done. Sad state of affairs in Anthrax-world.

Have a Blatz and relax.:kickass:
The only way they have a shot at getting a label to put a recording out is either one of the JB's returns or they nail down a marketable singer. Would have to be a seat seller on the mic if its a new guy.
Ask him in the next CDC chat then and see what he says. If thats what John Bush told Charlie then its very dissapointing that Bush has quit making music all together.

Sure, let me just pull $30 out of my ass and sign up!:lol:

Yeah, I don't really like WCFYA that much at all either. Or groove metal, for that matter. It sounds too "tough-guy-ish" for me. I like metal that has a certain beauty to it while still being heavy; like Spreading the Disease, Persistence of Time; and to go out of Anthrax, nearly ALL of Iron Maiden's records, Queensryche stuff, latter-day Agent Steel, etc. (Though I still like my share of Death and Sepultura, can't deny it! :D)