Black And White - Video

Black and White sucks ass. The worst song on R2R apart from Egonomic. Cloud Connected wasn't great, but I really liked Trigger.

I've no idea why they'd make a clip for Black and White, especially as they're apparently busy with a new album.
Yeah... Black and White was probably my least favorite track off of R2R, and that's not saying a bad thing. However after this long of a period, they're not going to go about creating another video for an already aged album.
Metalfreak85 said:
Free Fall??? WTF, are you on crack kid? Thats the worst song In Flames has ever written. You need to go back to IF academy.
Free Fall has one of the best melody lines in the whole album, go to hell :tickled:

Now Transparent, THAT is the worst song In Flames has ever written :Puke:
Ok I completely screwed over reading all of that but what kind of fuck head would make up bullshit like that?