Black Clouds And Silver Linings

haha wow i had no interest in checking this out since I only like one old dream theater album but the part at 4:27 is blatantly ripping themselves off. It sounds exactly like The Glass Prison at around 3:56. out of ideas much?
haha wow i had no interest in checking this out since I only like one old dream theater album but the part at 4:27 is blatantly ripping themselves off. It sounds exactly like The Glass Prison at around 3:56. out of ideas much?

umm you do realize thats the point :p this was the last song in a series of songs Portony did on every album, Glass Prison was one of them, most of the songs in there are from the other songs in his series.

^oh an keyboard can only add to a song unless it's really poorly done.
The Best of Times blatantly rips off Rush's Spirit of the Radio. JUst skip ahead to like 3:00

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I like this album, but it doesn't really hold my interest. Only listened to it once through though. As far as I am concerned, Dream Theater hasn't put out a bad album.
umm you do realize thats the point :p this was the last song in a series of songs Portony did on every album, Glass Prison was one of them, most of the songs in there are from the other songs in his series.

^oh an keyboard can only add to a song unless it's really poorly done.

oh I had no idea, I don't follow them at all. I just thought they were being lazy or trying to recycle cool shit haha
Well they ARE lazy and recycle shit, have been doing it for well over a decade.

That being said, the album is too bad, they are simply confused.
They are trying to hard to be "heavy" and "dark" these days, which doesn't work in many cases with Labrie's vocals. He just isn't a heavy type of singer. So Portnoy is trying to add his " heavy" vocal style, which just plain sucks. Never let that man near a microphone ever.