Black Dahlia Black Metal?

gazmetal said:
Why do people keep saying this song is a black metal song. Have the people that make such statements ever heared a black metal song or what?
because black dahlia sounds very similar to better known acts that fall into the general category of black metal. dimmu borgir is one of these bands and we all know that charlie is a big fan. and if you listen to dimmu and then listen to black dahlia it's blatantly obvious that charlie's drumming and some of the guitar work in the song is inspired by dimmu.
Yeah, but I havent read or heard anyone labelling the song as being black metal.

Its a straight up metal track which has a black metal riff / drumming section within it, nothing else.
Black metal? Christ on a bike...not in the fucking slightest. Most amusing thing I've heard in a while. :D

Metal fans can be so silly.

It does have a fucking great blastbeat though.
the best example of what a blast beat is would be charlie at the start of milk just after dan lilker bass intro,just a barrage on the snare wich is so overly played by death black metal these days!!!!

who would call it a blackmetal song????its a metal song that has tinges of similarity of morbid angel to my ears!