Black Dahlia vs. What doesn't die...


Feb 28, 2002
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Ok... Maybe I m crazy... but after hearing many many times this two songs I am now pretty convinced that WDD is actually faster and heavier than Black Dahlia... mind you, these two songs are THE heaviest in the album...

But I have really good news for all of you who haven't heard the rest of the album... If you liked the rpomo you are GONNA ABSOLUTELY LOVE the whole record... I mean, Safe Home and Think about an end and Refuse are probably the slowest tracks on it... so you get the picture...

Nobody knows anything is pretty fucking heavy as well... I don't get why many people don't like it... But it may be the best drumming I've heard in a fucking long time if not ever... It's like Dave LomWHO???

But really, What song do you think is the heaviest? I still think it's WDD, even if some parts of BD are just fucking killer. Oh gosh I m wetting my pants in anticipation...

P.S. Anyone knows anything about those bonus tracks???
I think What Doesn't Die is solidly faster and Charlies insane on that song.

As far as bonus tracks Brentney Spears sayeth:

''I did the artwork for both. The Digipak has 2 bonus tracks - Safe Home Acoustic and We're A Happy Family (Ramones cover). The Japanese version only has the Ramones cover.''
whats doesn't die is more straight forward onslaught but black darhlia is more extreme in parts(sounds like morbid angel to me) ,they are both gonna wipe the crowed out live though.
What Doesn't Die is HEAVY. Black Dahlia has only the FAST riff. There is a difference between these two terms.
I think that WDD and BD are more solidly fast songs but I think that the second drum fill in "Nobody Knows" crushes both of them. I shit myself after listening to that. :lol: