Black/Death hybrid

Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
I'm looking for bands like anaal nathrakh and/or arkhon infaustus.

I'm new to this "Blackened" style but finding it hard to describe what it is or sounds like.

I kind of look at it like brutal black metal or some sort of sub - hybrid death.

Akercocke (mostly death)
Ceremonial Castings (symphonic blackened death)
Carpe Tenebraum
Necros Christos

Infernal War (brutal black)
Impaled Nazarene (brutal black)
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon, And So the Night Became
Hate Forest - Battlefields
Necrophobic - Nocturnal Silence (maybe not blackened but it has a very occult feel)
I remember when the 2nd wave of black metal was young and everyone was concerned with the trueness of it all. I predicted, and looked forward to, the time when the black metal sound would start to infiltrate other styles. As it turns out, the dissemination of bm into other genres was less exciting than I expected, and I think the best black metal influenced bands are those which stick closest to black metal, or who just add in a bit of death metal.