Blasphemous black/blackened


Tonka Time

Dirtier black metal or blackened death along the lines of the earlier releases from Antaeus, Vorkriest, and Arkhon Infaustus.
Archgoat, Manticore, Havohej, Hell Militia, etc. Bands with similar sound/atmosphere.
Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
Clandestine Blaze (iffy for your specifications, but has a dirty atmosphere)
Infernal War
Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
Clandestine Blaze (iffy for your specifications, but has a dirty atmosphere)
Infernal War

:kickass: Good stuff. Have heard of Clandestine Blaze and Infernal War, but untill now havn't heard them.

Really like what I've heard from Infernal War.
Just realized Iperyt's singer on vocals, don't know why I didn't check them out sooner.