Black Friday Morons

Mar 4, 2002
I posted this at the Megadeth board, but wanted to get your thoughts because the story of the Wal-Mart worker getting trampled just infuriated me to no end...

Every year I see these Black Friday reports on the news, I've become more and more disgusted with the behavior of these people. When I read about this trampling story I became enraged. Anyone who would bum rush the door and trample over people to save a few bucks on merchandise is an animal. Even if you participate in this fiasco without acting like a savage, why would you wake up early or camp out (ugh) and walk amongst the dregs of society looking for a good deal. Is it really worth it? Like the poster above stated, these are deals that are going to be there after this day is done. Quit giving in to the media hype like a mindless zombie. I sincerely hope there is someway they can go through security camera footage and hold some of these pieces of shit responsible. The absolute worst of humanity.
How is it a tradition? Retailers tie this bullshit in with Thanksgiving and tell you this is the only day worth shopping out of the entire fucking year and it becomes tradition? It's pathetic. A man died because some fucking numbskull bargain hunters trampled him to death to get at those supposed good deals. Show some goddamn compassion instead of bragging about your 4 dollar dvd purchase.
What's black friday? Forgive me, but I'm not from the USA.

PS - Islam, the religion of peace (re: massacre in Mumbai). The religion of cunts more like. Proper cunts.
Apart from being a pretty kick ass classic Megadeth tune, "Black Friday" is also the retail working stiffs term for the day after Thanksgiving. It's called that because if you're working that day, you're fucked. People with more money and free time than common sense turn into savages for a deals on laptops and such. The media got hold of the term and now everyone treats it like an actual event.
What's black friday? Forgive me, but I'm not from the USA.

PS - Islam, the religion of peace (re: massacre in Mumbai). The religion of cunts more like. Proper cunts.

every year some shit happens like this. fights break out over the last cheap tv.

and as to your cunts remark. these wal-mart tramplers are just as bad. their god is even more vile and cruel.
Yeah I'm a team leader at a Super Target and we had lines wrapped around the building, helicopters were filming it and it was on the news. Insane. I don't need anything that bad. I bought a 2 GB flash drive for $8 at noon and that's it, there were plenty. In preparing for the day though even though sales are way down (obviously), a larger-than-normal crowd was expected because people were seeing these discounts as extra-important this year. Sad that material posessions are viewed as so crucial to people. I feel so bad for the guy who lost his life at Wal-Mart, if I were there I would have just started beating the shit out of all the bum rushers. I hate the holidays.
I went for the first time this year. I got all my Christmas shopping done, saved a good $500, and was back in bed by 10:00. Not a bad deal if you ask me. I didn't see any fights or people stampeding through stores or any of that bullshit either. Of course I stayed the fuck away from Wal-mart and Target so that might be the reason I didn't have such a bad experience.
I agree that some people act like fucking savages and need severely beaten for their actions but if you use a little common sense you can avoid all that bullshit.
What's black friday? Forgive me, but I'm not from the USA.

PS - Islam, the religion of peace (re: massacre in Mumbai). The religion of cunts more like. Proper cunts.

The term "Black Friday" started getting used because it was the best sales day of the year and a retailer was finally able to start turning a profit on the year(get in the black).
I actually skipped it this year. I had to get my van worked on instead and my wife and i started buying our stuff back in August after just moving to our new house in May.

now thats' a great feeling to be a homeowner again. :)

since my kids don't read this board, i have been using Kmart lawaway to pay for much of their gifts.

No gifts were placed on any credit card this year or any year for that matter.

I got them a wii this year with a ton of extras... :)
Greg, you have a dark and serious point...

i have done black friday yearly...hell i was spotted on TV once by my boss at the wal mart during my shift break. :)

but everystore i went to people were excited but it wasn't a tragic stampede.
I actually skipped it this year. I had to get my van worked on instead and my wife and i started buying our stuff back in August after just moving to our new house in May.

now thats' a great feeling to be a homeowner again. :)

since my kids don't read this board, i have been using Kmart lawaway to pay for much of their gifts.

No gifts were placed on any credit card this year or any year for that matter.

I got them a wii this year with a ton of extras... :)

I work at the Big K. Layaway is great!
I work at the Big K. Layaway is great!
Dude there is a K-mart right down the street from me and I love shopping there, you can't get any help but damn it's friggin' K-mart, if you can't find it then you're retarded. At Target I hate when people ask, "Where's the toilet paper?" I walk them to the aisle and point to the BIG FRIGGIN SIGN that says toilet paper, and I say you might find it there. One retard after another. My neighborhood K-mart rules, get all my shit there. Don't need no help, I have a brain. Here's to not gettin' laid off:headbang:

BTW--layaway rules!