Black History Month

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Deadnight Warrior87

The Tempest
Nov 12, 2005
Anaheim, CA (USA)
Is it just me, or it this bullshit? You should have to be nice to black people just cause the hav ea month now, you should have done it the whole year just to be a good person.

And if you really wanted to recognize them, why the fuck did you give them the shortest month in the year?:Smug:
All the stuff meant to recognize minorities is fucking stupid. Like someone else said, it makes it like everything ELSE is for the rich white males or something.

What I hate more then black history month is BET. I suppose all the other channels are WET then? Or if not... shouldn't white people get their own channel? No that would be incredibly raciest, oh fuck, BET is actually raciest. I'm not even sure who should be more offended.

Anyway, anyone watch the Boondocks? Awesome in my opinion.
-Rivfader- said:
My crazy old grandpa always refers to this month as "my pals month"

His words not mine, he's crazy though. :tickled:

ever notice how whites can't be rascist. but blacks can and dont get shit. they dont deserve a month for them, they dont even deserve a day. want to know why we have aids? look at them. no purpose but to kill each other and make our lives much more difficult. send em back.
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