Black Magic - Hard Rock/Blues Song.


boat is boat.
Jun 4, 2008
North East, UK.
Been a fucking LONG LONG time since I've put vocals down for something since fucking up my voice. So got a fucking whole heap of songs that I'm wanting to get done now. This being the first.

Feels fucking awesome to finally have a new recorded, mixed etc..

So as always, looking for feedback on this tune. The title is the same as my band, so it's a self titled track 'Black Magic'... Kinda of a hard rock blues jam thing going on.

Black Magic @ Dropbox

Cheers :)

- Rick.
I'm addicted to your project. I always listen your songs . You've got a fuckin nice voice. The overall mix sounds also nice. I like that grunge-ish vibe. The mix fits very well for this music. Maybe a tad more bass would be cool, and lower the high EQ on the bass, it's too much for me on the slap riff.
I'm addicted to your project. I always listen your songs . You've got a fuckin nice voice. The overall mix sounds also nice. I like that grunge-ish vibe. The mix fits very well for this music. Maybe a tad more bass would be cool, and lower the high EQ on the bass, it's too much for me on the slap riff.

Thanks man.

To be honest, it's the first time i've ever recorded slap bass - so there's definitely room for improvement.. Both playing & mixing wise.

I'm glad you dig the rest of the music too man :) much appreciated :headbang:

- Rick.