Rose Immortal said:
ya that's it

Because the music isnt anything like what black metal really is.
Look at kings of carnival creation by dimmu borgir- a fucking gothenburg style harmonized solo for fuck's sake, not to mention the main riffs, the fast part is cool, but the main riffs (the ones it starts on) don't belong in black metal.
I think they thought they were jesper and Björn for that bit.
Cradle of filth never played anything like black metal, they played death metal in the early days, and then switched to an extreme gothic style, or something amongst those lines.
I do enjoy cradle of filth, but linking them to black metal just because they wear makeup and dani has a horrid scream and fucked up lyrics doesn't mean it's black metal.
It's not any better than black metal, it's just diffrent.
satyricon's old albums with the folk influces are unbeatable.
Production is only part of the problem with sopposed black metal bands now.
Having a completely clean production takes away the raw edge of black metal.
A nice dirty production gives a nice icey black metal feel.
Listen to some old satyrcon, old emperor and old immortal if you want to know what black metal should sound like
I do like Old man's child, it's like dimmu borgir, but good

It's not real black metal, but it's nice and heavy.
And if you want melodic black metal, get some Dissection.
Storm Of The Light's Bane and The somberlain are excellent.