hubby listens almost exclusively to death/black metal...drives me nuts!!! whenever we go somewhere he says "what do you want to listen to?" i make a suggestion, but we end up listening to whatever he wants. fortunately for me, i have learnt to tune out.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Thats right, Hellhammer actually using his "talent", its great, listen to Arcturus

Fuck hellhammer, besides the cunt burned a church down, why should I respect his "talent"?
the real talent among arcturus is among the guitarist,keybordist, and of course Trickster G.
Rose Immortal said:
Are you being serious about the church?

ok, heres a little history for you all.......

Hellhammer was a member of the tr00 black metal band known as Mayhem who were apart of the "inner circle" of black metal bands that included Emperor who went around and burned a couple of churches down in Norway back in the early 90's.
Sheesh, talk about a completely stupid thing to do. That's the kind of stuff that makes people think ALL metal is bad. And THAT is part of why I can't stand black metal--it gives all the other metal genres an often-undeserved bad rap.

(And yes, I did used to hold that opinion--back when I was completely uninformed.)
Did Hellhammer actually participate in the church burnings?

I know that Varg and others did, but I don't remember if Hellhammer was a part.

@Rose Immortal - If you want an interesting read, check out the book "Lords Of Chaos" It chronicles the rise of the black metal scene in Norway, and the arson and murder that accompanied it. Disturbing but very interesting.
arglebargle said:
@Rose Immortal - If you want an interesting read, check out the book "Lords Of Chaos" It chronicles the rise of the black metal scene in Norway, and the arson and murder that accompanied it. Disturbing but very interesting.

I just read about that book on amazon looks real intersting, might have to pick it up