Black Metal Mecca


Jul 12, 2006
I have just obtained 1 ticket to see emperor in LA on Monday...the ticket was $70...yet I intern with a girl who works at the HOB in instead

$ 0 (Free)

Im stoked.

I finally get to pay homage to Emperor.

Get excited....for me.

Yeah, It would have been nice to see them back in the day....regardless....Im looking forward to seeing "Ye Entrancemperium" live. And regarding ticket prices.....that seriously is fucking terrible.....paying over 20 bucks for a show is pretty nuts....unless its radiohead....goddamn I need to see them.

Id pay over 20 to see Kayo Dot....but only if they played to 57 minute version of ___On Limpid Form.
Astral Poetry said:

yeah, i know it doesnt work but they dont have a fucking 's' in the name

Yeah, it does seem ridiculous....but here is too hoping that they dont wear their own fucking t shirts like in the DVD...and they play all of "In the Nightside Eclipse" and "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk"
I don't really care if they're good or not... the mere fact that I'll get to see them kicks a fair amount of ass. And besides, even if they do prove disappointing I still have two days worth of other kickass bands to make up for it. Ahh, Wacken... :D
SO I went, and honestly they weren't the best live band....but they opened with "Into the Infinity of Thoughts" and closed with "I am the Black Wizards" and my favorite, "Ye Entranceprium". Insahn had silly shoes on....and samoth wasnt there for visa problems.

and the keyboardist was kind of lame....and goofy.

Best part though, for the encore Insahn unearthed the might shoulder pauldrons for some shreddin. That was a corny way.

Yeah, and the t shirts were 30 bucks. : [

I somehow got to go to all the bars and even the very neat and exclusive VIP room....although I had nothing to drink...because I had to drive home, and quite frankly I dont drink.

Anyways....not really worth the 70 bucks, but again, I didnt pay a cent.

Alright show...good have been better.