Black Metal Mix (Dissection style)


Feb 18, 2006
Hey guys,
Been mixing a 15 minute black metal track for a friend's project.
He did the vocals, guitar's and bass, and another guy did the drums.
The drum's were quite inconsistent in the kick (slowing down and going out of time) and the toms were pretty poorly recorded, so ended up replacing both. I added the classic sneap gog to reinforce the snare.
A few of you may have seen my threads about asking for help with the DI's and I reamped the guitar tracks today. They turned out better than the samples I posted in those threads.

cheap washburn with stock pickups DI > ts9 > 5150 blockletter combo > 57 > cheap tube pre

The guitar tracks ended up having loads of room resonance and reflections (small room, lots of furniture) but I have no other option at the moment. After taking out a lot of those frequencies, the guitars have turned out pretty lifeless.

The bass is my cheap washburn with some OLD strings, so I've just ended up burying it in the mix.

Here's a 70 sec snippet, no one wants to sit through 15 minutes :lol:

A quick mix of the source tracks from a month ago:

What do you guys think?
I definitely wouldn't complain about the full fifteen minutes, this sounds great!

especially considering what you had to work with, it sounds very similar to the production on the somberlain from what I can remember :)