Black Metal song needs feedback


Feb 4, 2014
I've just finished the tedious work of mixing this occultic Black Metal song I wrote and recorded. I would appreciate any comments and criticism about the writing as well as the production.
It might also be a good occasion to say that I'm looking for male vocalist who can do strong epic clean singing, and can record himself, for similar types of songs.

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Black metal isn't really my cup of tea. But on the production side, and I'm no recording guru, it doesn't sound too bad. IMO, maybe some more lower frequencies would be nice, like some more bass. And perhaps louder drums. But the mix is pretty clean.
I think it sounds pretty good man. Keep it up! I like how the guitars sound, but I feel there needs to be more kick and snare present in the mix. Also, I felt the vocals were sitting on top of the mix a little. Maybe turn them down slightly? Hope my feedback helps!
@BillMurray the problem with adding a lot of bass in that kind of music, is that it really makes everything sounds even more like a chaotic, incoherent mush...

@Dtabs85 I know, I'm really strugling with getting vocals to "sit" inside the mix and blend in, it's either too low or too loud... the drums have the same problem, they either cloud the guitar or get clouded. I guess I really should work on it more.

Anyway, thank you two
Some tips I use...for vocals, I solo just the guitars and vocals, put everything in mono and sweep an eq through the guitars for a frequency that might be masking the vocals and I cut a db or two there from the guitars. As for drums. With the kick I always set up a side chain compressor between the kick and bass so every time the kick hits it drops the bass 1-2db for around 50ms. Gives the kick a lot more clarity. I also find the fundamental frequency of the kick and drop that frequency a little bit in the bass to again give the kick it's place. For snare I find the bottom end "fatness" for the snare (usually around 180-250hz) and I cut that slightly from guitars and bass. Hope this helps
Thanks Deathprayer82, I didn't know Baptism but now I'm checking it out and it sounds awesome, reminds me of Sargeist which I adore.
I like it, fits the music really well, although some additional clarity in the drums wouldn't hurt.
Sargeist is a lot rawer with worse production that yours though :lol: